Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Criminals Are Rational Decision Makers - 1541 Words
Most criminals are rational decision makers. If the criminals are motivated by social forces, they are still making the rational decision to commit the crime; they considered the personal and situational factors before the crime. Their personal factor would be why they are doing this; their situational factors is where. As for the criminals that are motivated by uncontrollable urges, some of them developed those urges based on the onset of crime. Some emotional drives are irrational, such as violence in the heat of the moment; some psychological drives are irrational such as a mania (e.g. kleptomania, pyromania). I would not live in a society where crime rates are low because of extreme punishments. Punishment should fit the crime. Punishment doesn’t always deter criminals from committing crime because they will always find a way around the harsh punishments. Under the view offender-specific, offenders also gauge the level of risk and expected punishment before acting. Living in a society with harsh punishments might raise stress level and unintentionally people will act with their emotions similar to a revolt. That raises crime rates instead. I would be more afraid of receiving criminal punishment because I have to pay for my actions rather than get away with â€Å"free†assets. It means I failed to correctly evaluate the risk, identify suitable exit routes, and my skills were inadequate to perform the crime. The embarrassment I have to face my friends and relative is close toShow MoreRelatedAre Criminals Rational Decision Makers? Essay examples2042 Words  | 9 Pagesexplanation of the criminal behaviours will be examined and explained relating to each supporting theories. The traditional explanations for crime are nature vs. nurture debate and the ideas relating to any possible biological reasons that turns someone into a criminal. Are some people really just ‘born bad?’ or are there other, social reasons for criminal behaviour? In this essay I will look at both sides of the argument, and offer an insight into the reasons behind such criminal behaviours. The ClassicalRead MoreThe Rational Choice T heory Of Criminology1106 Words  | 5 Pages The Rational Choice Theory April Smolkowicz Criminology 3200 Georgia Gwinnett College The Classical School of Criminology was developed by two utilitarian philosophers, Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham during the early 17th century. The Classical School of Criminology is an important theory in the framework of criminal behavior, with principle themes that include: criminal acts are of individuals free will and rational deliberation, calculating, and hedonistic beings. Criminals make a rationalRead MoreRussian Mafia1601 Words  | 7 Pagesarticle entails the rational choice theory model with how it justifies being able to join the Russian Mafia and the business that they conduct. A rational theorist would argue that we as people are rational human beings who carefully calculated the consequences of our behaviour. We make choices based on the cost benefit analysis. The concept of the cost benefit analysis is that when we have to make a choice, that choice is weighted between the cost and benefit of the decision that is made. In dealingRead MorePositivism And Clas sical Criminology1069 Words  | 5 PagesIn Criminology there are two main approaches when talking about why criminals commit crime: positivism and classical criminology. Throughout the decades there have been many criminologists that debate this subject like positivist Cesare Lombroso who believed that criminals were less evolved than non-criminals and believed they had a more primitive mind. Whereas Bentham viewed all people as rational decision makers and created the pain-pleasure theory. In the Sage Dictionary of Criminology the definitionRead MoreRational Choice vs. Trait Theory Essay1492 Words  | 6 PagesRational Choice Theory VS. Trait Theory Student Name Criminology : Park University Online Program In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting the Rational Choice Theory(s) and the Trait Theory(s). We will start with the history of the two theories and progress toward some of the individual principles in the theories. Next step will be explaining how each theory contributes to criminal behavior. My closing paragraph will concludeRead MoreCriminal Justice Organizational Effectiveness Essay1084 Words  | 5 Pagesachieving the desirable results is indicative of organization effectiveness. The United States Criminal Justice system is amongst the most respected governmental entities on the planet; and with a formidably structured and well developed hierarchy, history has uncovered its adaptability through operational effectiveness. Although many process, protocols, and scientifically reforms have been adopted, criminal justice practitioners and senior level leaders provide are continuously developing and revitalizingRead MoreDr. David Burns s The Feeling Good Handbook703 Wor ds  | 3 Pagesclinical treatment of depression and have been used by clinicians to address criminal behavior. The first article in this issue of Watchmen, â€Å"Assumption Busting,†explores how faulty assumptions can make our problem solving ineffective. Cognitive Emotive Therapy makes a broader claim. Mistaken ideas can actually ruin our lives and health with bad decisions. Put another way, faulty (or irrational) thinking makes us ill, but rational thinking restores our mental health and social balance. According to CognitiveRead MoreWho Are The Parties In The Case?. The Parties In This Case1083 Words  | 5 Pagesgrandfather by poisoning him, thus making the will operative with the intention of receiving the estate before the will could be modified to exclude him from acquisition. While there was existing criminal legislation which would punish the defendant for his crime of murder, there was no statute under either criminal or probate law which would negate his claim to the estate, despite the claim being a direct result of his role in the murder. What is the legal issue that the court had to decide? Does theRead MoreTheories of Juvenile Delinquency703 Words  | 3 Pagesexplain delinquency and collectively, they provide a greater understanding for administrators and policy makers that are essential in developing programs and treatments that reduce juvenile delinquency and minimize its impact on our societies. This paper will discuss two prominent theories, the choice theory and the learning theories Choice Theories According to the choice theory, juveniles are rational beings that make a choice of committing an unlawful act on the basis of their evaluation of the risksRead MoreCriminal Law And Popular Culture1367 Words  | 6 Pages Criminal Law and Popular Culture With the increase in crime rates and application of criminal justice, it is factual that the filming industry has embraced the issue where more than quarter of the television dramas and films are based on crime and criminal justice. Most of these television programs and dramas exhibit values such as societal norms in law enforcement and agencies involved in criminal law. Therefore, messages conveyed in these TV programs are based on the real life law
Criminals Are Rational Decision Makers - 1541 Words
Most criminals are rational decision makers. If the criminals are motivated by social forces, they are still making the rational decision to commit the crime; they considered the personal and situational factors before the crime. Their personal factor would be why they are doing this; their situational factors is where. As for the criminals that are motivated by uncontrollable urges, some of them developed those urges based on the onset of crime. Some emotional drives are irrational, such as violence in the heat of the moment; some psychological drives are irrational such as a mania (e.g. kleptomania, pyromania). I would not live in a society where crime rates are low because of extreme punishments. Punishment should fit the crime. Punishment doesn’t always deter criminals from committing crime because they will always find a way around the harsh punishments. Under the view offender-specific, offenders also gauge the level of risk and expected punishment before acting. Living in a society with harsh punishments might raise stress level and unintentionally people will act with their emotions similar to a revolt. That raises crime rates instead. I would be more afraid of receiving criminal punishment because I have to pay for my actions rather than get away with â€Å"free†assets. It means I failed to correctly evaluate the risk, identify suitable exit routes, and my skills were inadequate to perform the crime. The embarrassment I have to face my friends and relative is close toShow MoreRelatedAre Criminals Rational Decision Makers? Essay examples2042 Words  | 9 Pagesexplanation of the criminal behaviours will be examined and explained relating to each supporting theories. The traditional explanations for crime are nature vs. nurture debate and the ideas relating to any possible biological reasons that turns someone into a criminal. Are some people really just ‘born bad?’ or are there other, social reasons for criminal behaviour? In this essay I will look at both sides of the argument, and offer an insight into the reasons behind such criminal behaviours. The ClassicalRead MoreThe Rational Choice T heory Of Criminology1106 Words  | 5 Pages The Rational Choice Theory April Smolkowicz Criminology 3200 Georgia Gwinnett College The Classical School of Criminology was developed by two utilitarian philosophers, Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham during the early 17th century. The Classical School of Criminology is an important theory in the framework of criminal behavior, with principle themes that include: criminal acts are of individuals free will and rational deliberation, calculating, and hedonistic beings. Criminals make a rationalRead MoreRussian Mafia1601 Words  | 7 Pagesarticle entails the rational choice theory model with how it justifies being able to join the Russian Mafia and the business that they conduct. A rational theorist would argue that we as people are rational human beings who carefully calculated the consequences of our behaviour. We make choices based on the cost benefit analysis. The concept of the cost benefit analysis is that when we have to make a choice, that choice is weighted between the cost and benefit of the decision that is made. In dealingRead MorePositivism And Clas sical Criminology1069 Words  | 5 PagesIn Criminology there are two main approaches when talking about why criminals commit crime: positivism and classical criminology. Throughout the decades there have been many criminologists that debate this subject like positivist Cesare Lombroso who believed that criminals were less evolved than non-criminals and believed they had a more primitive mind. Whereas Bentham viewed all people as rational decision makers and created the pain-pleasure theory. In the Sage Dictionary of Criminology the definitionRead MoreRational Choice vs. Trait Theory Essay1492 Words  | 6 PagesRational Choice Theory VS. Trait Theory Student Name Criminology : Park University Online Program In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting the Rational Choice Theory(s) and the Trait Theory(s). We will start with the history of the two theories and progress toward some of the individual principles in the theories. Next step will be explaining how each theory contributes to criminal behavior. My closing paragraph will concludeRead MoreCriminal Justice Organizational Effectiveness Essay1084 Words  | 5 Pagesachieving the desirable results is indicative of organization effectiveness. The United States Criminal Justice system is amongst the most respected governmental entities on the planet; and with a formidably structured and well developed hierarchy, history has uncovered its adaptability through operational effectiveness. Although many process, protocols, and scientifically reforms have been adopted, criminal justice practitioners and senior level leaders provide are continuously developing and revitalizingRead MoreDr. David Burns s The Feeling Good Handbook703 Wor ds  | 3 Pagesclinical treatment of depression and have been used by clinicians to address criminal behavior. The first article in this issue of Watchmen, â€Å"Assumption Busting,†explores how faulty assumptions can make our problem solving ineffective. Cognitive Emotive Therapy makes a broader claim. Mistaken ideas can actually ruin our lives and health with bad decisions. Put another way, faulty (or irrational) thinking makes us ill, but rational thinking restores our mental health and social balance. According to CognitiveRead MoreWho Are The Parties In The Case?. The Parties In This Case1083 Words  | 5 Pagesgrandfather by poisoning him, thus making the will operative with the intention of receiving the estate before the will could be modified to exclude him from acquisition. While there was existing criminal legislation which would punish the defendant for his crime of murder, there was no statute under either criminal or probate law which would negate his claim to the estate, despite the claim being a direct result of his role in the murder. What is the legal issue that the court had to decide? Does theRead MoreTheories of Juvenile Delinquency703 Words  | 3 Pagesexplain delinquency and collectively, they provide a greater understanding for administrators and policy makers that are essential in developing programs and treatments that reduce juvenile delinquency and minimize its impact on our societies. This paper will discuss two prominent theories, the choice theory and the learning theories Choice Theories According to the choice theory, juveniles are rational beings that make a choice of committing an unlawful act on the basis of their evaluation of the risksRead MoreCriminal Law And Popular Culture1367 Words  | 6 Pages Criminal Law and Popular Culture With the increase in crime rates and application of criminal justice, it is factual that the filming industry has embraced the issue where more than quarter of the television dramas and films are based on crime and criminal justice. Most of these television programs and dramas exhibit values such as societal norms in law enforcement and agencies involved in criminal law. Therefore, messages conveyed in these TV programs are based on the real life law
Criminals Are Rational Decision Makers - 1541 Words
Most criminals are rational decision makers. If the criminals are motivated by social forces, they are still making the rational decision to commit the crime; they considered the personal and situational factors before the crime. Their personal factor would be why they are doing this; their situational factors is where. As for the criminals that are motivated by uncontrollable urges, some of them developed those urges based on the onset of crime. Some emotional drives are irrational, such as violence in the heat of the moment; some psychological drives are irrational such as a mania (e.g. kleptomania, pyromania). I would not live in a society where crime rates are low because of extreme punishments. Punishment should fit the crime. Punishment doesn’t always deter criminals from committing crime because they will always find a way around the harsh punishments. Under the view offender-specific, offenders also gauge the level of risk and expected punishment before acting. Living in a society with harsh punishments might raise stress level and unintentionally people will act with their emotions similar to a revolt. That raises crime rates instead. I would be more afraid of receiving criminal punishment because I have to pay for my actions rather than get away with â€Å"free†assets. It means I failed to correctly evaluate the risk, identify suitable exit routes, and my skills were inadequate to perform the crime. The embarrassment I have to face my friends and relative is close toShow MoreRelatedAre Criminals Rational Decision Makers? Essay examples2042 Words  | 9 Pagesexplanation of the criminal behaviours will be examined and explained relating to each supporting theories. The traditional explanations for crime are nature vs. nurture debate and the ideas relating to any possible biological reasons that turns someone into a criminal. Are some people really just ‘born bad?’ or are there other, social reasons for criminal behaviour? In this essay I will look at both sides of the argument, and offer an insight into the reasons behind such criminal behaviours. The ClassicalRead MoreThe Rational Choice T heory Of Criminology1106 Words  | 5 Pages The Rational Choice Theory April Smolkowicz Criminology 3200 Georgia Gwinnett College The Classical School of Criminology was developed by two utilitarian philosophers, Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham during the early 17th century. The Classical School of Criminology is an important theory in the framework of criminal behavior, with principle themes that include: criminal acts are of individuals free will and rational deliberation, calculating, and hedonistic beings. Criminals make a rationalRead MoreRussian Mafia1601 Words  | 7 Pagesarticle entails the rational choice theory model with how it justifies being able to join the Russian Mafia and the business that they conduct. A rational theorist would argue that we as people are rational human beings who carefully calculated the consequences of our behaviour. We make choices based on the cost benefit analysis. The concept of the cost benefit analysis is that when we have to make a choice, that choice is weighted between the cost and benefit of the decision that is made. In dealingRead MorePositivism And Clas sical Criminology1069 Words  | 5 PagesIn Criminology there are two main approaches when talking about why criminals commit crime: positivism and classical criminology. Throughout the decades there have been many criminologists that debate this subject like positivist Cesare Lombroso who believed that criminals were less evolved than non-criminals and believed they had a more primitive mind. Whereas Bentham viewed all people as rational decision makers and created the pain-pleasure theory. In the Sage Dictionary of Criminology the definitionRead MoreRational Choice vs. Trait Theory Essay1492 Words  | 6 PagesRational Choice Theory VS. Trait Theory Student Name Criminology : Park University Online Program In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting the Rational Choice Theory(s) and the Trait Theory(s). We will start with the history of the two theories and progress toward some of the individual principles in the theories. Next step will be explaining how each theory contributes to criminal behavior. My closing paragraph will concludeRead MoreCriminal Justice Organizational Effectiveness Essay1084 Words  | 5 Pagesachieving the desirable results is indicative of organization effectiveness. The United States Criminal Justice system is amongst the most respected governmental entities on the planet; and with a formidably structured and well developed hierarchy, history has uncovered its adaptability through operational effectiveness. Although many process, protocols, and scientifically reforms have been adopted, criminal justice practitioners and senior level leaders provide are continuously developing and revitalizingRead MoreDr. David Burns s The Feeling Good Handbook703 Wor ds  | 3 Pagesclinical treatment of depression and have been used by clinicians to address criminal behavior. The first article in this issue of Watchmen, â€Å"Assumption Busting,†explores how faulty assumptions can make our problem solving ineffective. Cognitive Emotive Therapy makes a broader claim. Mistaken ideas can actually ruin our lives and health with bad decisions. Put another way, faulty (or irrational) thinking makes us ill, but rational thinking restores our mental health and social balance. According to CognitiveRead MoreWho Are The Parties In The Case?. The Parties In This Case1083 Words  | 5 Pagesgrandfather by poisoning him, thus making the will operative with the intention of receiving the estate before the will could be modified to exclude him from acquisition. While there was existing criminal legislation which would punish the defendant for his crime of murder, there was no statute under either criminal or probate law which would negate his claim to the estate, despite the claim being a direct result of his role in the murder. What is the legal issue that the court had to decide? Does theRead MoreTheories of Juvenile Delinquency703 Words  | 3 Pagesexplain delinquency and collectively, they provide a greater understanding for administrators and policy makers that are essential in developing programs and treatments that reduce juvenile delinquency and minimize its impact on our societies. This paper will discuss two prominent theories, the choice theory and the learning theories Choice Theories According to the choice theory, juveniles are rational beings that make a choice of committing an unlawful act on the basis of their evaluation of the risksRead MoreCriminal Law And Popular Culture1367 Words  | 6 Pages Criminal Law and Popular Culture With the increase in crime rates and application of criminal justice, it is factual that the filming industry has embraced the issue where more than quarter of the television dramas and films are based on crime and criminal justice. Most of these television programs and dramas exhibit values such as societal norms in law enforcement and agencies involved in criminal law. Therefore, messages conveyed in these TV programs are based on the real life law
Monday, December 16, 2019
Order of Research Papers Can Be Fun for Everyone
Order of Research Papers Can Be Fun for Everyone Facts, Fiction and Order of Research Papers There are several reasons why students utilize absolutely free term papers. In order for they to find the resources that are right for them, they need to decide why they need to get a term paper for free and what they will use it for. To get an idea, they can study free research papers online. Some students simply don't have sufficient knowledge for a definite job. The Foolproof Order of Research Papers Strategy Research paper writing is a difficult nut to crack. It is not a task for one day. It is not easy to write. An individual should realize that every Research Paper is a sophisticated writing because it must contain distinctive research and distinctive idea. What to Expect From Order of Research Papers? There you're going to be able to look at the private information of the writer you would like and compare it to the others. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Differences between Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt free essay sample
Differences between Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt It is not possible for civilizations to flow backwards while there is creativity and curiosity in the world. Each civilization learns from the one before it, but sometimes they are created entirely different. The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt are different. Mesopotamia and Egypt both had a very centralized government, but they both used different methods to see who would become the ruler. Agriculture, Mesopotamia and Egypt both had it, but it was harder for one civilization, to make agriculture work for them. Mesopotamian and Egyptian art was unique but both ever represented differently. When it came to science and technology, ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt progressed well in terms of how much had gotten accomplished. Firstly, Mesopotamia and Egypt had a very different way of finding the next ruler. The early Mesopotamian government of various towns and villages were democratic. The early Mesopotamians used a city-state type government; each was controlled by its own political and economical center. We will write a custom essay sample on Differences between Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Guisepi) This is significant because it shows that early Mesopotamians believed that democracy was the right and equal type of government to use. This relates to the thesis because it shows how dissimilar ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt were. The development of Egypt’s political structure started with the concept of god-king. Pharaohs were meant to resemble gods on earth. They received their power from the gods, which ensured their considerable stability. To guarantee the purest line of rulers, Pharaohs passed on the throne to the eldest son of the prime queen. (Newman 59-60) This is important because it shows that Egyptians had a spiritual connection to the gods, which aloud them to have pharaohs, who were represented as gods on earth. Ancient Mesopotamians compared to Ancient Egyptians did not believe in God on Earth, this makes both civilizations uniquely different. Therefore, the two civilizations centralized governments were distinct, early ancient Mesopotamians believed in democracy and ancient Egypt used the theory of god-king. Secondly, agriculture for ancient Mesopotamia was dreadful and Egyptian farming was almost trouble-free. Mesopotamian land received little rainfall for crops; the soil was parched and it contained no minerals. All year-round life for farmers was challenging and demanding. (Newman 40) (Louis)This is important, because this also shows how hard it was for ancient Mesopotamia to farm under harsh conditions and for them to be able to grow as a civilization, food was needed and if food was not available then it would be hard for the civilization to expand. This relates to the thesis by that ancient Egyptians had various amounts of food to expand their civilization and Mesopotamians did not. Egyptian agriculture was very simple and easy to take care off. After floods, the land would be fertile, full of rich nutrients and minerals. Farmers would plant many vegetables and fruits and they used irrigation, which helped water dry lands with streams, canals or pies. (Louis) This is significant for the reason that it highlights how Egyptian agriculture was used. Also how much simpler it was for the Egyptians, who had recognized the flood timings of the Nile. Contrasted to the Mesopotamians who did not know the flood timings of the Euphrates and Tigris River. This shows how hard it was for Mesopotamians to farm under harsh conditions. Even though both civilizations were located near water (the very basis of life), each had a different outcome with agriculture. Thirdly, ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian art was represented in diverse ways. Egyptian art meant to capture eternity for an individual represented. Since Egyptians wanted to live forever, their art it made it possible. The main task of the Egyptian artist was to capture for eternity, the real meaning and character of the deceased. Egyptian art also focused on gods and human scenes, which were shown in characteristics, stylized in a certain form, such form that it lasted without change for many centuries. (Newman 76) (Guisepi) This is important to remember because it shows that Egyptians wanted to be remembered and idolized forever. This compared to the Mesopotamians shows a very a different opinion on art. Mesopotamian art was small in scale to Egyptian art; it also had two preoccupations-man’s relationship to the gods and conflict on real/ mythological situations. The first piece of art was the Ziggurats, which shows that Mesopotamians believed in humans serving the gods. For real and mythological situations purposes many Mesopotamians used a cylinder seal as jewellery or as magical amulets, which were connected to cuneiform writing. This is significant, because it demonstrates that mostly Mesopotamia’s art was used for praying to gods and since they did not have much stone this made them different from Egyptians who had much more stone to use for practical purposes. Ancient Mesopotamia and Egyptian art was unique in their own way, they both represented different ideas and concepts. Finally, Ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt excelled differently in science and technology. Many simple and daily objects were created by Mesopotamians. Mesopotamians created the first known wheeled vehicle, seeder-plows, pickaxes, cuneiform writing, the 360Â ° circle and the Ziggurats. This is important because it shows that Mesopotamians realized that that they could invent things that could make their lives easier. This relates back to the thesis that since Mesopotamians created the most basic things needed, this makes them different from the Egyptians. The Egyptians mostly focused on hieroglyphics and medicine. Egyptians abandoned the Mesopotamian cuneiform writing and created the hieroglyphics, which were used until 394 CE. Hieroglyphics went from temples and tombs to impractical everyday use. Medicine was practiced and used. Medicine was practiced and used; it contained observations mixed with magic and religion. With this, a certain disease could have been associated with a god- if he or she was unhappy with you- would explain why the person had the disease. (Newman 81-82) This is significant, for the reason that it shows how Egyptians wanted to be separated and how they became independent. This also shows that Egyptians created only what was necessary. While Mesopotamians created all the basic technology and Egyptians only created the necessary tools to live comfortably. To conclude, the first two ancient civilizations, Mesopotamia and Egypt are not alike in character or quality. Ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt had centralized governments, but the way each civilization was ruled was very unlike. Agriculture was a great influence on ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt; both civilizations had a different ways of dealing with the outcomes. Ancient Egyptian art was mostly based around pharaoh and documenting life, while ancient Mesopotamian art was based mostly gods relationship to humans and conflict real or mythological events that took place. Ancient Mesopotamia created the basic technology that was useful to everyone and ancient Egyptians were more involved in medical science and hieroglyphics. Therefore, the first two civilizations are only one of its kind and not alike with each other in any way or form.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The British Mandate in Palestine free essay sample
With the McMahon correspondence between the Arabs and the British, Britain’s government supported the establishment of an independent Arab state, a completely contradictory promise by the Balfour Declaration were the British promised to support the creation of a Jewish home in Palestine. Despite all of these promises and the purpose set by the League of Nations, the British mandate was trying to establish two things, the building of a Jewish National homeland and the preparation of the population for a self-government nation. Throughout the region, Arabs were angered by Britain’s failure to fulfill its promise to create an independent Arab state and instead support the national Jewish homeland in Palestine. This situation caused some Arabs to oppose to the British mandate causing trouble between the British, Arabs and Jews in the region, trouble that got out of the hands of the British government. Every time the British tried to create a new compromise, both sides would reject it because it was either too little or too much for one party or the other, resulting in violent waves, making the state much more unstable. We will write a custom essay sample on The British Mandate in Palestine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As the years went by the British were unable to keep order, they relied on Royal Commissions to solve problems in Palestine. The first White Paper was issued by Winston Churchill stating that a national home did not mean making all of Palestine into a Jewish nation and that Jewish immigration would be regulated. From this day, every new gave of Jewish immigration resulted in riots and each beginning of violence resulted in an investigation by the Royal Commission, requested by the British to try to figure out what was going wrong. A total of five Royal Commissions occurred throughout the Mandate and all of them said that the guidelines set up by the British were all contradictory with one another. With every bad thing there must be a good one. Throughout the Mandate the economy of Palestine grew and an increase in the standard of living was seen. Jews that migrated into Palestine were mostly wealthy and as they kept coming into the region the more they would invest in buying land from the Arabs. It is estimated that about one-third of the population was Jewish and yet they were responsible for about 80% of the economic productivity. The Jews brought modern European manufacturing and farming methods while the Arabs were just primarily involved in traditional agriculture. If the British mandate wouldn’t have supported the idea of a Jewish national homeland en Palestine, Palestine’s economy wouldn’t have grown as much as it did compared to its Arabs neighbors economy. The British Mandate was like a roller coaster for Britain, with ups but mostly downs. Within the Mandate the British were unable to keep its promises with the Jews and Arabs. They were unable to maintain control in the region between the two parties and depended on the Royal Commissions advice. Despite all of these, it is important to recognize that Britain helped with the economic growth of Palestine, if they hadn’t allowed Jewish immigration this growth would have not been possible. Britain’s main purposes with the mandate in Palestine were not accomplished; Britain ended up stepping out and left these two people to fight amongst each other and to figure everything out on their own, it seemed that in the end the British gained enemies instead of allies with the Jews and Arabs.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
21950183087900 Essays - Xiaomi, Smartphones, Economy Of China
21950183087900 Essays - Xiaomi, Smartphones, Economy Of China 21950183087900 Xiaomi's globalization strategies Location: Astana Course Code: MGMT621 Course Name: Strategic Management Professor: Stephan J. Wirtz , MA, MBA, DDA Student(s) Name(s) : Nurzhan Sikhimov INTRODUCTION The work aims to study and analyze the factors that led to the success of Xiaomi company, its current position among its competitors in the domestic and the world market. Xiaomi was founded in April 6, 2010 by serial entrepreneur Lei Jun, who is one of China's top 20 richest person with net worth US$ 9.1 billion according to Forbes. It crafted smartphone hardware, software, and internet services as well as accessories with the help of smart and talented people that it hired from Google, Kingsoft, Microsoft, Motorola, Yahoo and other successful technology companies around the globe. Xiaomi has sold more than 60 million smartphones worldwide in 2014, with more than 18 million handsets in China alone, resulting in US$ 12 billion revenue. Their presence is mainly in the Asian region such as China, Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines. Xiaomi's focus is to produce reliable, user friendly, mobile applications and affordable phones to customers. Xiaomi is currently the third largest smartphone producer in the world with over 5,000 employees worldwide. As of December 2014, Xiaomi has achieved the status of the most valuable technology start-up in the world after it successfully secured US$1.1 billion investment with a company valuation of US$ 45 billion [1] To understand reasons for the company's success, the business model canvas and SWOT analyses of the company are made. The studied scientific works and articles made it possible to consider the world smartphone industry, the place of Huawei in it, its abilities to survive in the tough struggle in the international market , present some solutions to sustainability of Huawei's competitive advantage. The business model canvas of the company KEY PARTNERS Google Youku Todou KEY ACTIVITIES Software development VALUE PROPOSITION Hig h tech affordable smartphones Customer oriented Link between hardware and software CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS Use of customer feedback for developing new products and technology Customer engagement CUSTOMER SIGMENTS Middle class customers KEY RESOURSES W ebsite and online stores I T and communications infrastructure M anufacturing facilities. Content development CHANNEL S E-commerce Few physical stores Advertisement through customers COST STRUCTURE Production RD REVENUE STREAMS Smartphone sales Other devices sales SWOT Analyses for Xiaomi S trengths One of the Largest Smartphone maker - Xiaomi is one of the largest smartphone makers in the world. It is said to be the 5th largest smartphone manufacturer as of 2017. Originating from China, the Smartphones are manufactured in huge quantities and have wide acceptance across the world. Highest selling Smartphone - The REDMI Note 4 became the highest selling smartphone in India and China and practically in 50% of the Asian market. This shows that Xiaomi is strongly rising in the smartphone market and has already beaten several giants. Huge China and Asia market available - Another benefit to Xiaomi is that the whole Asian market is their playground. As China lies within Asia and as Chinese mobile brands are highly penetrated in the Asian markets , Xiaomi still has a lot of ground to explore. Good Qualityproducts - Even at such low prices, no one can doubt the quality of Xiaomi phones. The smartphones are regularly rated high on all E-commerce portals - a further proof that Xiaomi does not compromise on quality even if lowers the price regularly. E-commerce advantage - The Flash sale model is a very popular model which has worked wonders for Xiaomi. In this model, the product is made available only in limited quantities and sold at a very low price . This model made the consumers crazy and each Xiaomi looked like a price which was hard earned. Weaknesses Offline Distribution - Xiaomi mainly sold through the flash sale but at times, it was difficult for customers to get their hands on a REDMI or MI model phone. This is because their offline distribution is not upto mark and Xiaomi phones sell mainly via E-commerce. Advertising and Marketing spends- The advertising and marketing spends of the brand is very low. The brand launches ATL campaigns only when coming up with a new product . However, the advertising is erratic at best
Friday, November 22, 2019
Favorite House Styles in the USA
Favorite House Styles in the USA Cape Cod and Ranch style houses were once the rage, but Americas tastes have changed over the past decade. Here are todays favorite house styles, according to our Dream House Survey. Mind you, this survey isnt scientific, but the results suggest some interesting trends. Readers are choosing homes homes with cozy details and a romantic flavor. Do you agree? 1. Craftsman Bungalow House Style Homey bungalows with low-pitched roofs and exposed rafters took America by storm in the early 1900s... and then faded from favor after 1930. But perhaps the style is making a comeback. Craftsman and Arts Crafts homes and bungalow homes were the most popular pick in our Dream House survey. 2. Tudor and English Country House Styles Scoring a close second in our Dream House Survey, this cozy style with half-timber details is reminiscent of Medieval English cottages and manor homes. Readers who responded to our survey were drawn to the small, diamond-paned windows and exposed wood framing found in many Tudor Revival homes. 3. Victorian Queen Anne House Styles Victorian is not actually a style, but a period in history, and Victorian architecture comes in many forms. There are the austere stick style homes, the fanciful Gothic Revival cottages, and the majestic Italianates. But when people discuss Victorian architecture, they are often thinking of Americas so-called Queen Anne style an elaborate, rather feminine, fashion with lavish details such as towers, wrap-around porches, bay windows, and elaborate trim. Queen Anne ranks number three in our survey, falling behind the more restrained Craftsman and Tudor styles. 4. Georgian Colonial House Styles Symmetrical, orderly Georgian houses became a prominent Colonial house style. Today, Georgian Colonial Revival is a model often imitated for elegant new homes. 5. Prairie House Styles Frank Lloyd Wright pioneered this style in Chicago at the turn of the century. Low-pitched hipped roofs give Prairie style homes the appearance of hugging the earth, and the square, often symmetrical lines suggest strength and homespun values. 6. Dreams for the Future Borrowing ideas from the past, modern-day styles take on many shapes. One imaginative reader said that he dreamed of owning a home designed for desert living. The floors, he said, would be polished concrete. Air conditioning and heat will duct through the cement slab up through sand-filled interior walls, he wrote. Sounds very modern. Desert Modern. 7. Homes for Right Now Dream houses dont have to be big. In fact. sometimes our deepest passions come in small packages. One man from Ohio has created his own dream house. The 150-year-old cottage has no electricity, so hand tools and elbow grease were used to paint the shutters, sand the floors, and decorate the rooms with an admittedly eccentric style. A quirky man with dogged independence, he writes, This was meant to be fun, not some job to be instantly done. We cant argue with that. More Top Picks A few more questions: Out of all the styles to choose from, whats your favorite? Why do you love it? Here are responses: High Victorian: Queen Anne, Second Empire, and the like are a showcase of fine craftsmanship not likely to be seen on such a grand scale again. I own an original foursquare. While I appreciate the nice woodwork, its too rectilinear.I like Colonial Revival and Ranch homes, but I also like Foursquare houses because that is what my grandparents had.Arts and Crafts: As a design enthusiast, my favorite style is Arts Crafts. Its wide and low pitched roofs, use of natural materials, earth-toned color schemes, and overall craftsmanship makes the Arts Crafts style hard to ignore and almost impossible to duplicate today. Morris, Greene, Stickley (Sears Roebuck) and, to a great extent, Wright owe much of what they did for architecture in this country, to the East (Asia if Im not mistaken). From Bungalow to Craftsman to Prairie, you will find very, very few people who are NOT taken with the Arts Crafts style.Tidewater: I love the tidewater houses. The wrap-around porches are efficient ventil ation systems. Living in the South, we are able to enjoy a lot of porch weather! Tropical Architecture: This is not a very recognized style but I love it because it addresses issues of the humid climate.Dutch Colonial: I like the dutch colonial revival with the gambrel roof, and also the standard colonial revival..Give Me a Ranch: I love the classic Raised Ranch. The home can be small in square footage but has potential to be designed in such a way that it feels bigger.Federalist Style House: The look of size is impressive in itself but the appearance of sturdiness and durability says home. Even Katrina couldnt blow this house down.Greek Revival: Greek Revival is American architecture at its besta style that is distinctly American for Americans. Chaste and classical, while formal and informal, yet beautiful and timeless are just a few of its many attractive qualities.Spanish: I absolutely love the Spanish-Mediterranean-Pueblo-Missionary type houses. They have a beautiful tropical warm appearance with a comfortable at home feel. Its like living a dream.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Foreign Exchange Indicator Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Foreign Exchange Indicator - Research Paper Example The report also predicts that the Japanese Yen will be a safe bet for people dabbling in foreign exchange and thus, will be strong in the coming months. Both the US and Japanese governments have adopted a near zero interest rate policy. The Euro and GBP have come under stress and will be showing a bearish trend. With a second set of rescue measures being announced by the government to rescue banks in the UK, global investors are viewing the GBP with skepticism and there is a possibility of its remaining weak. According to another report by Forex Capital Markets, a financial services provider in New York, " The Swiss Franc outperformed all other G10 currencies against the USD in the first quarter of the year, gaining nearly 15% on the troubled Greenback. By comparison, the Euro gained only 9%. Limited direct exposure to the U.S. and a massive liquidation in carry trades has driven the Swiss franc higher in the first quarter. However, the significant downturn in the euro zone has begun to transmit the effects of waning global growth to the Swiss economy. Interest rates are now lower in the U.S. than Switzerland. With the Fed intent on further rate cuts, the yield gap between the two countries is expected to widen, which will drive the USD/CHF lower. The case of the EUR/CHF will be quite different.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Inequality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Inequality - Essay Example It should be realized that every individual possesses different levels of skills ad capabilities. In order to become better leaders, it is important for the individual to grow and develop their emotional intelligence in order to manage people better. The need to cultivate emotional intelligence arises out of several needs (Goleman, 65). The case provides an analysis in which an individual is able to be self-aware and recognize the emotions as they occur around him. As John improves in EQ, he is able to understand himself better and the people he manages in the organization greatly depend upon him. More importantly, his social life improves drastically due to the self-awareness. This is certainly an important skill for all leaders as it enables them to discover and understand their skills, strengths and weaknesses. Such leaders are able to understand the emotions of their workers and therefore treat them in the most appropriate way. The result of such awareness is an improvement in the overall performance in the organization. From the case, it is seen that John eventually manages to stay aware of his feelings and those of his senior regarding his performance in the organization. He realizes that despite the fact that he is a good performer in his field, he still needs to horn his management skills. It is basically a question of managing emotions and clearly understanding the wider picture in the whole organization (Goleman, 23). At the end, it is seen that John cannot simply rush into decisions but will clearly manage his emotions and make the most appropriate decision. For leaders, emotional management is a vital aspect and should be greatly valued. A leader should know how to balance situations and counsel his subjects without showing any inappropriate emotions in the process. In such a case, the leader will earn and maintain their respect from the subjects. In the case of John, many workers are free to consult him on various issues as a result of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Factories May Contaminate and Pollute Residential Areas Essay Example for Free
Factories May Contaminate and Pollute Residential Areas Essay There is a lot of harmful effects. I am totally disagree to this construction especially in the residential areas because it will bring the environmental pollution afterwards. There will be no such word as comfortable if our neighborhood is affected by pollutions. It is obvious that construction of factories will bring more disadvantages to the residential communities and should be stopped before it was too late. However, there are people that believe the construction will bring them benefit especially for those who plan the construction. They believe that factories are the opening door for job opportunities. In addition, its benefit will enhance family economy and improve national economy as well. This construction will get out the unemployed teenagers away from unhealthy tendency such as loitering. Indirectly, factories in residential areas will ease the employers in term of cost saving in transportation expenditure. Still, the construction will lead to environmental pollution. For example thermal pollution will lead to the increasing number of infectious disease-causing vectors since the river and air temperature is conducive to them. High temperature encourages the multiplying of vectors such as rats, mosquitoes, fleas and ticks. The spread of vectors such as mosquitoes can cause diseases such as malaria, dengue and yellow fever. Meanwhile, high rate production of rat also occurred. These animals could spread the disease such as Legionellosis Leptospirosis that spread through urine or feces. In addition, the construction of factories also affects our health. For example, air pollution leads to lung and circulatory system problems. Other than that, chemical pollution will take place. Chemical pollution leads to water source contamination. The contaminated water contains mercury and lead is very harmful to our health especially to our nerve system. Besides, noise pollution from factories also harmful especially to our hearing system. It could have a permanently or temporarily impacts to our eardrums. Noise from the constructions also distracts our focus and concentration in work especially for those that live near the constructions site. Children also have great difficulties to concentrate during their revision. So, these constructions should not be carried out. By only stopping the constructions, any negative impacts can be avoided. It was always true that prevention is better than cure. It will also ensure our neighborhood safe to live and can live in peace and security. Our future generation deserves better environment and we as the caretaker should inherited healthy and secure environment and living hood area. Bicycle Lane in Residential Area. Cycling can reduces pollution and protect the environment. However, the facility for the bicycle lane is very limited. Most of road projects forget to provide a special lane for bicycles include in my residential area. I hope the authorities can provide bicycle lanes for our comfortable and safety. In addition, cycling will be a safety and joyful activities for our leisure time. Bicycle lanes are very important for the safety of cyclists at any time. Even the children can ride in bicycle lane because it is safer than using the main road. Cyclists will feel securely comfortable if special lane for bicycle is provided. They can cycle anywhere they go especially for a short distance destination without worrying any unpredictable accident on roads. In addition, bicycle lanes will be safer area for cycling activities as a leisure activity in any time they want. Indirectly, cycling will improve their health. It also helps to strengthen relationship among them and enhance the sporting enthusiasm. Construction of these lanes will also be increasing the number of cyclists and plays major contribution of reducing the air and noise pollution. Furthermore, the construction of these lanes need little space beside the road and does not require high cost for authorities to build it. Besides, specific lanes for bicycle will not interfere with other vehicles such as cars and so on. Cyclists have their own lane and this will facilitate all road users. All road users can use their own space without worrying about cyclists that could interfere with them. The provider of specific lanes for cyclist also reduces the traffic jam. It is very obvious that the construction of bicycle lanes would be very beneficial. So, it is a great hope to see these lanes will be constructed so that all parties can use this facility for the fullest. As mentioned it is very important in term of safety and comfortably for all the road users. For cyclists especially in my residential area, this bicycle lane is a great needed. ope this bicycle lane will be provided in our residential area. How to get a driving license. Driving license is important to those who want to drive by their own without relying on others. When we reach the age of seventeen, is certainly of interest arise for self-drive vehicles and what we need is a driving license. There are several ways to get a driving license which such as registration with the legal driving institution attended t he test laws via computer and practical test authorized by Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalanraya (JPJ). In order to get a driving license, all these steps should be taken. Below are some descriptions of every step to get a driving license. Firstly, you need to register with the legal driving institution. Different institutions have different facility and payment. Make sure you ask the driving operators about the whole package that their offer and the total of payment. Currently, the payment to take a car’s driving license is between RM800 to RM950. However, you can reduce the cost such as refuse transportation facilities, reduce hours and pay their own study of L and P icense at the JPJ. You only confirm your registration if all of your circumstances are fulfilled. Next, you need to attend a computerize law examination. However, you need to attend the Driver Education Course for six hours. Then, after for at least three days, you can sit for the test. You need to score at least 42/50 marks to pass the exam. If you are fail, you need to reseat the exam until you pass to qualify f or Pre-L class. The charge for reseat the exam is RM50. 00. After you past the exam, you need to attend the Pre-L 3-hour theory and 3-hour of practical. Your attendance is compulsory to enable you to obtain a certificate-JPJL2B. This certificate enables you to learn the practical driving. Practical of driving training usually about 4 to 5 classes that needs 8 to 10 hours. Finally, you need to pass the practical test authorized by JPJ. This practical test can only be taken after you pass the pre-qualification. This exam is divided into two sections, carried out on the track and road. You must pass both sections to enable you to obtain a license-P. If you are fail, normally you will be charged RM100 RM200 including 1 or 2 classes to enable you to reseat the exam. But if you pass the exam, you will get your license-P in a week. Then you are free to drive on the road legally. In conclusion, you need to take all the steps discussed above to qualify you to have a legal driving license. There will be easier for you to drive without relying on others anytime and everywhere you want. The day you get your driving license will be an interesting beginning to gain experience of driving by your own on the road.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Analyzing the Priceless MasterCard Advertisements :: Advertising Business Marketing GCSE Coursework
Analyzing the Priceless MasterCard Advertisements They tell how much it will cost you to buy one thing and then another, overwhelming you with the cost of life. They then reveal to you the priceless moment that comes from all of this cost. Can you guess which advertisements I am talking about? That’s right, MasterCard commercials; The commercials titled: â€Å"Spending Quality Time with Your Family†, â€Å"Leaving Your Cash At Home†, â€Å"One Stadium Down, 29 To Go†from MasterCard’s â€Å"priceless†ad campaign, just reel you in with that priceless moment. Well you would never guess just how many tactics they use in one commercial just to suck you in. They use many little clever details in order to appeal to people and convince them that they want to use their company and not someone else’s. These MasterCard advertisements are targeted towards an American audience whether the audience be families or the youth of America. American values and interests, along with a va riety of visuals, text, and subject matters are incorporated in order to do this. The ads also appeal to these audiences through emotion and logic. By using all of these different tools, MasterCard is able to create a commercial to convince a mass of people to use their company without thinking any further than the commercial that just flashed before their eyes. The ads are centered on today’s American society. These specific MasterCard ads target Americans through values and interests that make up their culture. One example being the use of The Simpsons show for one of these ads. Most Americans are very familiar with the Simpson family and therefore can relate to the advertisement. Also, the idea of having extra time to spend with your family is incorporated into the advertisement. This is very effective in capturing the audience because family is widely valued within American society. Another effective reference that is used is towards baseball. Baseball is huge in the United States and everyone either watches it or knows someone who does. By using these references MasterCard is able to create commercials that the creators’ audience can relate to. The authors of these commercials are a group of people hired by MasterCard to think the catchiest and most creative commercial. Their purpose is to create advertisements that are targeted towards and specific audience and then to capture that audience.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Apush Chapter Notes
Although they shared similarities, the Northern and Southern colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries also had many differences. The diversity of the United States goes back to its beginning as a collection of northern and southern colonies. Their differences in religion, politics, economics, and social issues, and the way they dealt with them, are what shaped our country into what we are today. Religion in the southern colonies was not practiced with the enthusiasm that it was in New England. While most colonists of the south were Anglicans, they were more focused on their tobacco plantations. The same was true for the Catholic founders of Maryland. As their population grew, Protestants began to outnumber Catholics, though the Catholics continued to hold the power and influence. Just as in the other southern colonies, religion eventually took a back seat to tobacco in Maryland. Politics in the colonies were as different as their religious preferences. Seventeenth century New England was governed by Puritans. They governed the colonies with a General Court. The southern colonies, like Virginia, were ruled by the House of Burgesses. A large majority of the southern colonies followed the Virginia model of government. Northern colonial society was based on the Puritan religion. Community leaders attempted to form a completely pious society and to eliminate sin from within its boundaries. Those that did not conform were cast out or met with ridicule and violence, as is evident by the Salem witch trials. Southern colonists were mostly farmers with small plots of land that were maintained by family members and possibly a couple servants. Eventually, the mortality rate in the colonies began to decrease and most indentured servants survived long enough to be free. This caused a class system to develop that polarized the social structure of the south. Although they shared many similarities, and the prompt suggests that the Northern and Southern colonies were more similar than different, it seems clear that there were also many difference between the two. They had religious differences, they had political differences, they had economic and social differences. These differences prove the validity of the prompt’s statement to be wrong.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Developing An Inclusive Education System Education Essay
For the last few decennaries, there has been an addition in the figure of states which aimed at doing their instruction systems more inclusive. This purpose has been in the docket of both developed and developing states with fluctuations in their definitions of inclusion, policy devising schemes and school patterns. In add-on, experiences of these states in their attempt to develop inclusive instruction systems have faced peculiar challenges ( Ainscow, 2005 ) , with the instance being more terrible for developing states where it has been improbable to detect a important accomplishment in their test to develop inclusive instruction ( Eleweke and Rodda 2002 ; Mittler 2000 ) . Turkey, as a underdeveloped state, has committed to developing inclusion in schools for about two decennaries ( Eleweke and Rodda 2002 ; UNESCO 1994 ) . Since so, nevertheless, transmutation of The Turkish Education System to an inclusive 1 has been sing serious challenges although there have been several positive stairss taken towards bettering inclusive policy and pattern. This reappraisal is concerned with the procedure of Turkey in developing inclusive instruction while taking to lend to the limited literature which critically reviews Turkey ‘s place in this procedure. After the behavior of hunt is discussed, the procedure towards inclusive instruction will be reviewed under three wide footings: Definition of inclusion as reflected on policy and pattern, the passage procedure from instruction in particular schools to inclusion, and the current barriers against inclusive instruction.Behavior of SearchThis literature reappraisal is loosely concerned with the field of inclusive instruction and specifically explores Turkey ‘s place in developing inclusive instruction. Therefore, the hunt for this reappraisal was started with the scholarship of taking people in the field of inclusive instruction and was limited to literature about Turkey. The standard for utilizing the literature was convenience with the intent of reappraisal. In be aftering t his piece of literature reappraisal, several types of paperss were searched for through some cardinal footings and in some databases and web sites. Appendix 1 nowadayss a elaborate tabular array of the hunt footings used, web sites and databases searched, the figure of paperss reached in any twelvemonth and the figure of paperss used.Definition of InclusionRecently, an inclusive instruction system has been a common end in the docket of many states. However, there have been fluctuations in the manner inclusion was defined by these states ( Ainscow et al. 2006a ) . In many of the definitions, a often changing facet has been the mark population identified as capable to inclusion which brought about the inquiry of ‘who is inclusion for? ‘ Based on this inquiry, it has been possible to follow policies and patterns which have focused on pupils from the most vulnerable groups to all possible scholars ( Ainscow et al. 2006a ) . In 1994, ninety two authoritiess from different parts of the universe endorsed that schools would move in a model which would to the full include every scholar, no affair what characteristics the pupil possessed ( UNESCO, 1994 ) . These features could be diverse physical, rational, societal, emotional and lingual belongingss. Despite this model, nevertheless, it has been hard to follow a common apprehension and incorporate patterns based on the statement ( Ferguson, 2008 ) . For illustration, while the tendency in developed states, such as the UK and the USA is towards an apprehension of inclusion for all scholars, many developing states have based their policies and patterns on inclusion of handicapped pupils ( Gaad 2010 ; Slee 2010 ; Ferguson 2008 ) . Turkey, like many other developing states, has identified handicapped pupils as the most vulnerable groups in instruction and adopted an apprehension of inclusion which places handicapped pupils in mainstream schools ( Gaad 2010 ; Rakap and Kaczmarek 2009 ; Turkish Prime Ministry 2008 ) . As the first typology of conceptualisation of inclusion by Ainscow et Al. ( 2006b ) illustrates, Turkey ‘s definition of inclusion is similar with authoritiess and schools which have based their policies and patterns on the inclusion of handicapped kids. In 1997, the Particular Education Regulation ( No. 573 ) which was considered as the first ordinance towards inclusive instruction was enacted. Since so, all ordinances and Torahs in Turkey have referred to inclusion of handicapped kids into mainstream schools. As for the disablement classs identified, the groups subject to inclusion were defined as ocular, hearing and wellness damages, physical, mental, address and linguistic communication, larning and emotional and behavioral disablements ( Turkish Prime Ministry, 2008 ) . In the Particular Education Regulation of 1997, every bit good as other ordinances such as The Particular Education Services Regulation in 2006, several definitions were made by the ministry which founded the footing for the inclusion of handicapped kids ( Melekoglu et al. 2009 ) . One of the most radical statements was the consideration of particular instruction as portion of the regular instruction. With this in head, regular instruction categories were defined as least restrictive environments where instruction of handicapped kids should be encouraged. As a consequence of this, referral of handicapped kids every bit good as assignment of particular instruction instructors to regular instruction schools accelerated in the last 10 old ages ( Turkish Ministry of National Education, 2012 ) . Another point emphasized by the ordinances was the duty assigned to mainstream schools to be after and supply educational and support services to handicapped kids ( Melekoglu et al. 2009 ) . Each school was required to fix and implement an individualised instruction program for each kid. However, this subdivision which emphasized singularity of pupils was followed by another portion in the ordinance, which defined particular instruction services to be provided for separate classs of handicapped pupils, instead than stressing pupils with single and alone demands. This nature of the ordinance, hence, has created instruction programs which overlooked single demands and included standard aims and services for peculiar disablement groups. As a decision, analysis of policies in Turkey reveals the world that inclusion merely refers to the arrangement of handicapped kids in mainstream schools ( Gaad 2010 ; Turkish Ministry of National Education 2010 ; Turkish Prime Ministry 2008 ) . Slee ( 2010 ) claims that sing inclusion as the integrating of merely handicapped kids weakens the inclusive schooling advancement in the broader sense. However, although it seems to be a restriction to overlook the demand to include other kids from vulnerable groups ( e.g. scholars non needfully diagnosed with a disablement ) , the procedure can still be perceived as a measure taken to do schools more inclusive by go forthing behind the thought of categorising and puting handicapped kids in particular schools where they were antecedently seen as ‘others ‘ ( Gaad, 2010 ) . In add-on, the developmental degree of the educational systems and the world of handicapped pupils as one of the most unintegrated groups in hapless and developing states might take states to concentrate more on inclusive patterns for handicapped pupils. In this context, there is a demand for more policies, resources and betterment of powerful support systems to travel beyond the point of including merely the handicapped requires. In add-on, this procedure might necessitate more clip in states where inclusive instruction is still immature ( Gaad, 2010 ) .Passage from Education in Particular Schools to InclusionThe field of instruction, in the 20th century, underwent a substantial test to legalize the principle for particular instruction ( Armstrong, 2010 ) until new statute laws and patterns started to take an issue with old particular educational theories and patterns ( Thomas and Loxley 2001 ) . For the last few decennaries, there has been a surcease in the enlargement of particula r instruction schools non merely in wealthy but besides in hapless and developing states as many decision makers have started to turn to inclusion in authorities policies and school patterns ( Ainscow et al. 2006a ) . Turkey, as a underdeveloped state, has been in the procedure of the passage from instruction in particular schools to inclusion since its indorsement of the Salamanca Statement ( UNESCO, 1994 ) . Until a few old ages ago, the dominant tendency towards instruction of handicapped kids was based on segregating them in particular schools harmonizing to a categorization based on their disablements and supplying them with particular educational services. However, the Ministry of National Education has started to stress and back up the instruction of handicapped kids with their equals in regular schools. For a decennary, the accent and support for inclusion has invariably been told to schools and parents in order to include them into a system where the inclusive instruction and its cardinal rules are adopted and supported ( Melekoglu et al. 2009 ) . In Turkey, contemplations of the altering attitude towards inclusive instruction have been discernible on the policy of the Ministry of National Education. For illustration, the 37th article of The Particular Education Services Regulation ( 2006, p.3 ) states that â€Å" The Ministry of National Education is responsible for opening particular schools for handicapped pupils. However, the precedence should be given to the mainstream instruction of handicapped pupils together with their usually developing equals in regular schools. †This statement evidently underlines the altering attitude of the authorities favoring inclusion on policy paperss. There were two other marks of the altering position of the Ministry towards a more inclusive system. First, The Particular Education Services Regulation ( 2006 ) included a portion which explained the inclusion procedure to schools in item. The other mark was the book published by the Ministry and gave detailed information about inclusion to pull attending of the stakeholders ; viz. parents, instructors and decision makers ( Turkish Ministry of National Education, 2010 ) . Official statistics by the Ministry show that the figure of handicapped pupils in mainstream schools has significantly increased for the last 10 old ages ( Turkish Ministry of National Education, 2012 ) . This addition in measure is important compared to the figure a few old ages ago ( see Figure 1 ) . Despite this, about half of the handicapped kids are still placed in either particular instruction schools or particular instruction schoolrooms within mainstream schools ( Turkish Ministry of National Education, 2012 ) . Furthermore, the first option for arrangement of pupils with some type of disablements, such as ocular and hearing damages, is the particular instruction school, normally due to the deficiency of related staff in inclusive schools. Such a state of affairs creates an unconscious penchant for the inclusion of some type of disablements, such as mental deceleration, and ignorance of other disablement groups. Figure 1. Number of handicapped pupils in mainstream schoolrooms between the old ages 2000-2012 ( Beginning: Turkish Ministry of National Education, 2012 ) . Another point worth enquiry is the degree in which inclusion of handicapped pupils is taking topographic point. In Turkey, there are three degrees for inclusion among which there is a dramatic difference in footings of the figure of handicapped pupils ( see Table 1 ) . Harmonizing to recent statistics by the Ministry ( 2011 ) , addition at primary degree is assuring whereas inclusion of handicapped pupils at preschool and high school degrees is still non satisfactory with regard to measure. One of the grounds for this state of affairs was the mandatory educational period which was 8 old ages and did non include the preschool and high school periods. However, the most recent statute law by The Grand National Assembly of Turkey ( 2012 ) increased the mandatory instruction period in a manner that it will include the preschool ( 3 to 5.5 old ages of age ) and high school. This is expected to diminish the dropout rate of the handicapped pupils and increase the figure of handicapped pupils in pre and high schools.Educational DegreeNumber of ClassroomsNumber of StudentsPreschool ( 3 to six 6 old ages age )288 588Primary ( Grades 1 to 8 )40810 84637High School ( Grades 9 to 12 )4573 7775Entire45671 93000 Table 1. Number of handicapped pupils in mainstream schoolrooms harmonizing to educational degrees in 2011 ( Beginning: Turkish Ministry of National Education, 2011 ) . To reason, contemplations of the passage to inclusive instruction in Turkey have been slightly discernible on the policy degree. However, promising progresss at the policy degree have seldom been accompanied by satisfactory execution ( Rakap and Kaczmarek 2010 ) in schools. Research findings have been systematically demoing that there have been jobs experienced in countries such as service proviso, course of study, inclusive school community and staff measure and competence. These jobs are discussed in the undermentioned chapter.Barriers against Inclusion in TurkeyThe world of inclusive instruction has been ruling the universe, with many states taking to develop their systems to a more inclusive construction and implement more inclusive patterns in schools ( Lindsay, 2007 ) . However, this world is non without its challenges and duties both for developed and developing states ( Ainscow, 2005 ) with the jobs being more serious for the latter ( Mittler, 2000 ) . In Turkey, like many other developing states, challenges and duties have been invariably experienced during the test to further inclusion in schools. In this test, three barriers have been identified and discussed in this chapter. These are negative attitudes towards inclusive instruction, jobs experienced in planning and supplying support services and deficiency of human resources ( Kuyumcu 2011 ; Polat 2010 ; Rakap and Kaczmarek 2010 ) .Negative AttitudesFor a few decennaries, research findings have shown that inclusive instruction produces positive consequences non merely for handicapped pupils who are placed in inclusive scenes but besides for their equals without disablements ( Lindsay 2007 ; Balderrama 1997 ; Staub and Peck 1994 ) . However, a considerable sum of this research besides underlines that it is improbable for educational systems to better their inclusiveness unless there are positive attitudes in professionals in schools ( Polat 2010 ; Antonak and Larrivee 1995 ) . Because professionals assume a important function in supplying educational services both for handicapped and non-disabled pupils. In a school, a welcoming inclusive clime in which professionals have positive attitudes towards diverseness and inclusion is necessary ( Booth and Ainscow 2002 ) . In Turkish schools, findings of research have shown that school professionals do non hold sufficiently positive attitudes towards inclusion of disables pupils. For illustration, Rakap and Kaczmarek ( 2010 ) investigated attitudes of general instruction instructors who work in public simple schools in Turkey and found important negative attitudes held by them. Similarly, school counselors in Turkey, harmonizing to Polat ( 2010 ) , have non still had stable positive attitudes towards the inclusion of handicapped pupils. Such research findings show that the current stance of Turkish schools in footings of positive inclusive attitudes has non created a satisfactory feeling.Insufficient Support Services and Non-Inclusive CurriculumThe literature on inclusive instruction in Turkey displays the troubles experienced by pupils, ins tructors, parents and decision makers. Harmonizing to the Educational Reform Initiative in Turkey ( 2011 ) , a basic job underlying these troubles is the deficiency of inclusive course of study and support services for handicapped pupils. In an environment where the figure of handicapped pupils come ining inclusive scenes is invariably increasing, schools have seldom been able to suit this addition in footings of their existing course of study. It is expected from a school to set up a course of study in which single demands of handicapped pupils are represented and met. However, the purely centralized and standard nature of the course of study in Turkey has made it hard to stand for the demands of handicapped pupils within the content of the course of study ( Sucuoglu and Kargin 2008 ) . In the Turkish Education System, the policy expects that an single instruction program ( IEP ) must be planned and implemented for each handicapped kid who is placed in a mainstream school ( Turkish Ministry of National Education, 1997 ) . In add-on, support services ( e.g. guidance, address therapy etc. ) should direct pupil demands. However, surveies show a contrary state of affairs with these outlooks. For illustration, a recent survey has shown that the procedure of service planning was carried out in merely 37 % per centum of the inclusive primary schools and merely five per cent of the schools had an IEP squad ( Kuyumcu, 2011 ) . In another survey conducted by the Educational Reform Initiative ( 2011 ) , 23 per centum of the instructors reported that they did non fix an IEP for the handicapped pupils in their categories whereas merely 44 per centum of the parents stated that an IEP was implemented for their handicapped kids. As a consequence, it is likely to detect pupils and p arents who perceive instruction as disused and to happen handicapped pupils who dropout mainstream schools after a piece.Lack of Human ResourcesAmong the success factors of inclusive pattern, sufficient human resource in footings of measure and quality is an of import component. Harmonizing to a recent survey ( Educational Reform Initiative, 2011 ) ; the advancement made by Turkish Educational System in footings of human resources in inclusive instruction is non satisfactory. To better advancement, it is inevitable to use more professionals, such as general instruction instructors, particular instruction instructors and school counselors, who can lend to the execution of inclusive pattern in schools ( Sucuoglu and Kargin 2008 ) . For illustration, it can be seen that the mean Numberss of pupils in primary and high schools served by a counselor are 1225 and 554, severally ( Turkish Ministry of National Education, 2012 ) . Equally far as such statistics are taken into history, deficie ncy of professional staff might be considered as an of import job. Teachers play a cardinal function in inclusion because they are the organizers of single demands and suppliers of educational and support services. Therefore, troubles experienced by instructors within schoolrooms exacerbate the success of inclusive patterns ( Sucuoglu, 2004 ) . For illustration, a job reported by instructors is the trouble in schoolroom direction. In Turkish mainstream schools, merely one general instruction instructor serves all pupils within one schoolroom and it might acquire more hard to pull off when handicapped pupils are placed in this category because it is reported that ( Educational Reform Initiative, 2011 ) pupil instructors at university do non have appropriate preparation to such conditions. In an inclusive instruction system in which all pupils are full members of a school, each pupil is assessed with regard to his or her single public presentation. However, instructors in Turkish schools have reported that they have troubles in measurement and measuring success of handicapped pupils in their schoolrooms ( Sucuoglu, 2004 ) . Equally far as unrealistic aim authorship and public presentation finding are taken into history, it might acquire more hard for instructors to measure public presentation against unrealistic standards.DecisionInclusive instruction is a procedure which includes several variables and stakeholders ( Idol, 2006 ) which invariably influence the inclusive instruction procedure because each of them carries out a critical function in determining the success of inclusion. Therefore, diminishing the spread between the inclusive policy and its execution, every bit good as heightening the advancement made by schools in their inclusive pattern, requires a holis tic position towards inclusion and its elements ( Educational Reform Initiative, 2011 ) . Particularly in developing states which are at the beginning of their inclusion journey, puting inclusive systems is possible by concentrating on each component of the system and their interrelatednesss. As an of import component of an instruction system, attitudes of school staff towards inclusion are of important importance for making an inclusive environment at school. It is known that these attitudes towards inclusive instruction and inclusion of handicapped kids might positively alter when stakeholders receive preparation at any degree of their professional life ( Sucuoglu, 2004 ) because professionals who feel unqualified about their accomplishments in footings of working in an inclusive scene might be loath in working with handicapped pupils ( Aydin and Sahin 2002 ) . Finally, the demand for a fluctuation in the proviso of support services and an inclusive course of study in mainstream schools of Turkey is high because more pupils with diverse backgrounds are come ining mainstream schools with single demands and diverse backgrounds. Both in the schoolroom and exterior, pupils require support, specific to their single demands. In supplying this support, cooperation with households and audience with co-workers and other professionals is known to lend to the development of more inclusive schools ( Booth and Ainscow 2002 ) . As for the course of study, the advancement made on the policy degree might be extended to the development of more inclusive course of study by The Ministry which develops centralized course of study and has schools follow them.ContemplationsTransporting out this literature reappraisal has made me face two worlds. The first 1 was the scope of necessary accomplishments which must be recruited during the procedure. Geting these acco mplishments entails advanced academic preparation every bit good as battle in lasting reading and authorship which are disputing. The 2nd world was the influence of the reappraisal procedure on my premises and larning. As it requires lasting reading, some of the premises which I had before get downing, needed either alteration or complete alteration. As a consequence of this, I encountered new cognition, new writers, new books and new manners of composing. Combined with the tips I gained during the class preparation, the procedure contributed to my assurance in critically analysing a piece of authorship and developing an statement about it.Word count excepting the figure and tabular array: 3296
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Strategies Used by Yili Groups Essays
Strategies Used by Yili Groups Essays Strategies Used by Yili Groups Essay Strategies Used by Yili Groups Essay The Yili Group-how it functions and strategizes in the Chinese Dairy Marketplace 5. 0 Introduction This chapter critically reviews the findings and analyses of the data collected from the company’ report, secondary data and interviewer opinions towards the strategy adopted by the company. Unstructured telephone interviews and face-to-face interviews with the company’s marketing director – Mr. Wang, revealed what the company implements and the problems faced by the company. 5. 1 Findings and Analysis From the data collected, the Yili has implemented a number of strategies to improve their market share and profitability. The Yili’s marketing strategy is based on the innovation. Innovation is the successful exploitation of new ideas. In China’s dairy industry, innovation is an important issue that considered a major driver of the company towards success. It linked to performance and growth through improvements in efficiency, productivity, quality, competitive positioning, market share and so on. For the moment, China dairy’s companies are mostly aiming in the first line of market; targeted markets are still putting towards the well-developed cities, for instances, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou. Sadly, companies have left out the wider market in the outskirt of China. The main reason for it is the cities sales points are not centered; investment of exploitation for new market and promotion is higher. Besides, one of the risky of the investment is the effect of the responses and return is slow compare in the well-developed cities. A creative marketing strategy is needed to enter into a new market. The Yili has realized that being a leader in the industry, they need to be creative in thinking in order to survive in the competitive market. The opportunity that gained by the Yili was the first company who entered to less developed cities, which provide wider market and profit return to the company. For instance, in 2005, the company has targeted the north side of ‘Zhejiang’ as their sample of targeting market. Through the franchise way of marketing, the company has gained a good effect of return in between two months time. The new marketing strategies in less developed cities have provided a good result to the company with the improved 20% of sales. Koh (2005) stated that China biggest suppliers are lending money to farmers and building dairies to meet demand for cheese, yoghurt and other foods growing at 14 percent a year. In China’s Inner Mongolia region, where the two companies are based – Yili and Mengniu, plans to import heifers from Australia to increase dairy cattle numbers by 14 percent to 2. 5 million in the next six months. Dairy farming is the main way for farmers to get rich. Selling heifer calves from imported cows to other farmers is as lucrative as producing the milk. In past several years, China dairy industry has developed very fast. However, there are many companies facing management problem due to the reasons of the companies are not paying attention to their production line, sales and supply areas. Undoubtedly, the growth of company is depends on the speed of development, but the stability of the management should be taken in to consideration too. Based on the data collected, total quality management has adapted in the Yili. Total quality management is a management style based upon producing quality service as defined by the customer. It defined as a quality-centred, customer-focused, fact-based, team-driven, senior-management-led process to achieve an organization’s strategic imperative through continuous process improvement. The new distribution network flow adopted in the company is Five Fix Points: fix starting point, fix ending point, fix time consume, fix routine of the work and fix product volume. This has enabled the distribution of the Yili’s product to Guangzhou, Shanghai, and other places smoothly. Thus, the deliver time is faster and the company can able to control the mistake of deliver flow too. Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Based on the information, this can be concluded that the Yili has implemented the market segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy very well in the company. Since buyers today are numerous, widely scatted and varied in their needs and buying practices thus companies need to choose what type of the customers they wish to be connected. Through the interviewed, the author has realized that the company has segmented their market based on the geographical segmentation. Based on Mr Wang, the Yili has targeted the well-developed cities like other company, for instances, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. In addition, the Yili has covered some developed cities that other companies do not enter in which provide wider market and profit return to the company. There are not many companies enter to the less developed cities because of the sales points are not centred and thus, company need to spend huge amount of money in promotion and investment of exploitation for new market. When choosing a market-coverage strategy, Mr Wang has mentioned that the company has targeted the customers from all level of buyers. From the information provided, it showed that the company used undifferentiated marketing that approached market as a whole with one market. Dairy product is a grocery thing; therefore, the Yili using undifferentiated marketing strategy to focuses on common buyer needs rather than what is different and designed to appeal to the largest number of buyers. As mentioned earlier, positioning is an executive’s most important strategic responsibility because it will make or break a company or product. Thus, the Yili has using product attributes and benefits of the product as positioning strategy to attract customers. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis SWOT analysis has evaluating the strategies position of a business for the Yili by identifying its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis helps the business to carve a sustainable niche in the market. It helps to develop the career in a way that takes best advantage of the company’s talents, abilities and opportunities. According to Mr Wang, it provides the company a simple method of synthesizing the results of the marketing audit. Strengths There are several strengths can be found in the company. Yili has gained around 20 percent in dairy industry, which can be known as one of the strength for their company as a leader in the market. Furthermore, using of the high-tech machine that some others companies cannot afford has lead the company further step forward and quality raw material to maintain the quality of the food is hard to follow by the other competitors. Furthermore, experience of running of the company is one of the strength. Mr. Pan Gang, the director of the Yili Group, who is 36 years old but has more than 10 years experience in dairy industry that is familiar with the current situation of market. He is a propellent of innovation in the Yili. Last year, Mr Pan was chosen China Top 10 Businessmen. His influence has attracted the global investors to pay attention to the Yili. Besides, the strength of the suppliers – milk stations, was one of the issues considered in the Yili to reduce expenses. Supply of the raw milk has affected the development of the industry. The problem of the industry is that the demand exceeded the supply of raw milk, which caused inefficiency of production and low quality of raw milk. The company who can be the leader in the dairy market should first control the raw milk of supply. The Yili obtained the most perfect and high quality of raw milk in China. They have around 200 high quality rangelands and over 1 million milk cows. Further than that, the raw milk has expanded from North to South. Moreover, the YiLi was declared to become the one and only dairy sponsor of Olympic Games 2008, Beijing. Since the Yili is the only one Chinese food sponsor in the history of Olympic Games so it is also a milestone in the Yili strategic process of development. Being a sponsor to Olympic Games is the best way of promotion strategies for the Yili to boots their products and building their brand globally. Weaknesses There are a few weaknesses faced by the company. The major problem facing by the company is losing out some of the key employers to their main competitor – Mengniu. Due to the reason of Niu Geng Sheng (Mengniu’s Director), a former manager from the Yili is now a key player for the Mengniu. Thus, the tactic of management using by both companies are similar. Besides, the Yili is facing internal management problem. The company is using old management style – lower level of employees is not allowed to make any decision. Suggestions of the lower employees do not accepted by the high level management. Opportunities Spaces to growth in the market are one of the opportunities to the Yili. For the dairy industry, China currently has the lowest per capital of consumption of milk in the world – an estimated 2 litres in 2004that leaves room for significant growth in the market. Education on the health benefits of milk consumption and companies’ deeper retail penetration will continue to be key drivers of drivers of growth. New product development is also expected to boost sales, as milk with varying fat contents and fortified milk are introduced to the market. Threats There are few threats to the Yili to take in consideration when making decision or strategy. Based on the data collected, the author has realized that the industry consolidation and profit erosion are the key investment risks in the highly competitive dairy product industry. Other risks include natural disasters, bad debt from loans to dairy farmers and counterfeiting. Any major outbreak of illness or disease relating to cows, such as the â€Å"mad cow†disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) or bovine tuberculosis (â€Å"bovine TB†), could significantly affect raw milk supply. This also causes a drastic fall in consumer demand in dairy products, resulting in a substantial decline in sales and profits. Limited cases of bovine TB were reported in several Chinese provinces earlier but did not draw much attention. In addition, in line with China’s World Trade Organization (WTO) commitments, the Chinese government has undertaken to reduce tariffs in respect of various dairy products from current levels of between 15% and 45%, to between levels of 10% and 19% by the end of 2005. As part of the Yili’s strategy to secure a reliable supply of raw milk from dairy farmers, the company provides guarantees to banks on loans taken to by these diary farmers for their purchase of dairy cows. Although the Yili holds various forms of security from the farmers and counter guarantees from other thirds parties, it is still exposed to default risk. As at end-2003, its aggregate farmers’ loan guarantees totalled RMB83m, representing 37% of net profit. Political, Economic, Social and Technologic factors Political Despite more than a century of upheaval, the political system in China is continuous to undergo radical change. While the economic reforms introduced over the past two decades have general improved living standards across the country – thus reducing lessened the likelihood of social upheaval – the government has been obliged at times to slow the pace of economic liberalisation for fear of loosing overall political control. Today’s communist China is a world away from that of the newly formed People’s Republic in 1949. The extraordinary changes, which have taken place in China since former paramount leader Deng Xiao Ping launched his open-door economic reform policy, have radically affected the lives of ordinary people, particularly in major cities. Many people have been forced to question traditional values and attitudes as new ideas and concepts have emerged. The influence of foreign culture is now much more apparent in everyday life than in any other previous generation. Political stability is an important issue to consider by the Yili when they decide to enter to a new market. The most recent government legislation of relevance to the dairy market relates to packaging, hygiene and product labelling. The government introduced new hygiene regulation in 1995, which mean that product lines are now inspected, and those products that have passed the inspection can place a hologram label on their product, to show consumer that their product is hygienically manufactured. The government has also brought out strict codes on the labelling of product ingredients, and has tightened up laws concerning marketing claims for products, in order to clamp down on companies making false claims about the benefits of their product. Packaging legislation relates more to hygiene issues, but the government has also been keen to encourage local companies to improve packaging used, and the presentation of the products, in order that Chinese products can compete more strongly against foreign ones. Economic China economy is growing fast lately. For the dairy industry, China currently has the lowest per capital of consumption of milk in the world – an estimated 2 litres in 2004–that leaves room for significant growth in the market. Between 2000 and 2003, the Yili’s revenue grew at an astonishing pace of a CAGR of 137%. On the back of higher milk demand and capacity growth, the company is expect revenue to grow by an average annual rate of 67% in the next three years while net profit is predicted to escalate at a three-year CAGR of 63%, making it one of the fastest growing Chinese company. While the company is believe that management’s profit forecast for this year of not less the RMB300m is to conservative, they expect the bottom line to climb by 67% to RMB378m. According to Mr Wang, he stated that the economic factors have a deep influence for the company to gain for the profitability. During the â€Å"one off†incidents such as Iraq War, 911, SARS and bird flu have given the impact to the company in terms of sales. In facts, the economy slow down has lead to purchasing power less, customers are more concern what they are spend. China is already among the world’s biggest economies, and it’s growing fast. It’s a leader in technology and innovation – not just manufacturing. It’s one of the world’s biggest exporters and, potentially, the world’s biggest market. But it also has serious problems, with human rights, workers rights, political expression, inequality, environmental issues and more. There is no doubt that awakening China will be a major player in the 21st century. Social Social analysis is important for the Yili to identify the preferences of the customer towards their products. Besides, social also influence the company in term of demographic: age, region, income and taste preferable. Different people will have different expectation of taste, thus, company has trying hard to create variety of taste in their product to fulfil the customer need. Milk sales are growing at an unprecedented rate in China due to increased consumer awareness and improved distribution networks. Social life is changing recently; people are more concern to health life and so, the Yili has to use quality material to produce healthy life. Due to the reason of the consumers begin to own refrigerators and distribution networks are improved, fresh milk is starting to gain market share which has provide opportunity. Technology Technology can be defined as the material entities created by the application of mental and physical effort to change nature in order to achieve some value. Technology is one of the important resources to the Yili. Tough competition, plus massive and rapid changes in media and communications technology, guided the business in offering a wider range of products through better-designed communications and distributions network. In addition, Internet has been implemented in the Yili, who uses Internet to communicate among their employees and suppliers as well. Homepage has been created to boast the sale from delivering the information. The author has observed both leading companies’ web sites in market – comparison between the Yili and the Mengniu and came out with the conclusion that both web sites are designed at least for promotion purpose and provides the communication to the customers. Thus, companies’ web sites are shown to function as communication, transaction and distribution. Both web sties are designed to deliver similar message to the customers. For instance, the range of products and services the companies offer. Through the observation, the Mengniu’s web site is more attractive and the information delivered is more details than the Yili. However, both the English versions of the homepages do not function. (Refer to appendix B) The technology using in the Yili project management, process planning, engineering, automation (MES level) and commissioning will be ‘Tuchenhagen Diary Systems’ responsibility. Part of the engineering, mechanical assembly, process automation (operator level), electrical engineering and installation as well as commissioning. The scope of supply includes the complete processing line from raw milk reception to tank storage for UHT milk, including pre-processing and standardisation of milk, mixing storage and powder handling (GPCN supply) and integration of UHT into the processing system. Furthermore four CIP plants will be delivered. Thus, very low running cost will be achieved by highly efficient heat exchangers and energy recovery. Porter ‘s Five Forces Rivalry among Existing Competitors China dairy industry is growing in well expectation and it is a differentiation market. There are many competitors competing in term of price, product offer, and services, not only local competitors but as well as foreigner investors. For instance, Sanyuan, Mengniu, Guangming are local competitors and Nestle (Switzerland), Parmalet Finanziaria SpA, PRF from Italy and Danone from French. However, foreign competitors have chucked out from the Chinese market due to the main reason of price war. Chinese Dairy Industry is playing with the cheap costs and price war that the foreign companies do not afford. Thus, the entire top foreign companies have finally stopped the business in China where they thought China’s market provides them a huge opportunity. Beside, the reason for the foreign companies facing loss in running business is due to the fact that investors are over estimated the China market development. Most of the foreign companies are using high costs with good quality products to attract customers, however, consumers do not accept it as spending power are low with the fact of low income. Lose of control in milk station – raw material is one of the problems to foreign companies. According to Mr Wang, the company still in well expanding situation – leader in the industry, although there are many competitors in dairy industry. The main competitor for the Yili is the Mengniu. Threat of New Entrant Based on the research, the threat of new entrant for the industry is low. The dairy industry is easy to enter since it s not a capital-intensive business, and does not required a huge amount of money like airline industry to operate. Besides, there was no limited gate pace market for others to enter. In facts, dairy manufacturers can set up the factories in small-, medium- or arge sized of business. More than 1500 of dairy product manufacturers can be found here and most of the manufacturers is operating from home and utilizing largely on labour-intensive methods. It showed that operating a dairy product manufacturer does not require a huge amount of money. However, the brand loyalty is low for the industry and the customers switching cost is high depends on th eir taste preferences, attractiveness of the promotion and the purchasing power as well. Threat of Substitute Threat of substitute in dairy product industry is high. Based on the China Dairy report there are more than 2000 dairy manufacturers operating in the industry such as Mengniu, Guangming and Sanyuan. The companies are available almost the same products. Aside from that, the competitors in this industry are not only in the local but also from the outsider such as Cadbury and Nestle. Apart from importing dairy products into China, foreign players are also permitted to engage in the full range of distribution services relating to dairy products. China’s accession to the WTO, therefore, will lead to fiercer competition, even though a large number of players have entered the market by now. Some foreign competitors have built their own factories in China. All the manufacturers are implementing the batch production strategy in order to reduce the production cost, thus, there are loads of products can be found in market. Bargaining Power of Buyers The bargaining power of buyers is high since there are many brands for the buyer to choose. The switching cost is very low. In fact, the retailers are lowering their prices to cater to market demand, which seemed to have chance as customers rather go for cheaper product. Customers tend to be very prudent in their spending and are on the look out for bargains. However, there is still a certain amount of brand loyalty customers too. For instance, buyers may go for the brand, which is satisfied them most always. Based on the China Dairy Market Report, the decision to purchase dairy products can be influenced by a number of environmental factors, including recommendations form authoritative figures such as health care providers, exposure through travel, and advertisements. Advertisements for dairy products are mostly on television, radio, billboards, or other media. Television is the most common media for dairy product advertisements and follows by billboards. Bargaining Power for Supplier Raw materials (including raw milk, packaging and treatment materials), salaries and benefits, utilities, depreciation and other manufacturing costs make up the bulk of the costs of sales. Raw materials have historically accounted for 90% of such costs. Within this category, raw milk makes up the largest portion. This cost structure is expected to remain the same in the medium term. According to Mr Wang, the bargaining power of supplier is low. This is due to the fact that company can choose from many suppliers or raw materials since the sources are not dominants by one or two large company. However, the Yili has a basis in one of the world’s largest pasturelands, the Inner Mongolian Steppe. It is this vast resource of dairy production that supplies the Yili with its basic product. This base is also very close to key northern markets such as Beijing and Tianjin, plus other rich provinces in the north, such as Liaoning and Hebei. Control on quality, quantity and cost of raw milk. The Yili has cooperates with milk collection centres, individual dairy farmers and cattle farms in the purchase of raw milk and cattle farms in the purchase of raw milk – the primary raw material. Milk collection centres organize milk collection form individual dairy farmers at their automated milking facilities and deliver the raw milk by refrigerated truck to the Yili’s production facilities once or twice a day. The company does not own any milk collection centres. Under the milk supply contracts, it reserves the right to reject raw milk that is below standard. The company normally agrees to pay a â€Å"guaranteed†minimum price for raw milk regardless of market fluctuations although it does not guarantee milk purchase volume. This gives the Yili a higher flexibility in raw material sourcing, while the provision of loan guarantees to diary farmers allow the company to better secure the supply of raw milk by entering into exclusive milk supply agreements. Marketing Mix Marketing mix play an important role for the Yili to achieve better sales turnover in the market. Information has clearly showed that the sales have increased annually with well planned of marketing mix. Product The Yili manufactures six food product groups, including frozen food, dairy products, quick frozen foods, beverages, flour and starch, with dairy product being the core activity of the company. Besides, the Yili has also incorporated a locally established foreign ice cream company, Perfetti’s. Mr Wang has emphasized that the company is offering variety of products in dairy product category such as liquid milk, ice cream, yoghurt, milk powder, drinks and so on. Besides, the quality of the product is under their hygiene assessment standards since the first stage of raw material collection from pasturelands. Place Mr Wang has stated that distribution plays an important role to success in business as to makes the product available where the consumers are easy and convenience to buy it. Select the stockiest, dealers, and intensive distribution must carefully and support them strongly. They must keep an inventory of the product, demonstrate the product to the consumers, close sales and fully provide after sale service. Thus, improvements in distribution networks are contributing to strong growth in the Milk Sector. The Yili has expanding geographically to set up local production bases in various regions. Localized distribution helps the company to minimize transportation costs and maintain product freshness, making the distribution of milk across the country more efficient. The Yili has now access to more consumers, which has led to increased sales. The development of supermarket across China is also central to the success of milk and other dairy products. Economic development across China means that more consumers own refrigerators and as a result, demand for fresh dairy products is growing. Major supermarkets, such Carrefour, that carry fresh dairy products are springing up across China into regions that were ypically served by small, independent food stores. Dairy players are now able to penetrate lesser-developed regions, providing Chinese consumers with easier access to milk and other dairy products. Based on the information, the Yili sells over 90% of its product through several hundred distributors across the country, of which 90% are bound by exclusive 90% arrangements. A com prehensive distribution network enhances efficiency. The company thus has an unrivalled competitive advantage over its competitors. The Yili has so far more than 20 factories. Dairy products have to be consumed fresh. Long distance transportation is not possible for the business. Therefore, the Yili has to build up their want their products to reach every corner of the country. Promotion The major driver behind milk’s growth is greater consumer awareness. In 2001, the Chinese government spearheaded a public awareness campaign to communicate the health benefits of dairy products (Tait, 2005). For example, the State School Milk Programme involved supplying milk to selected schools at discounted prices in order to encourage milk consumption. Milk also gained popularity following the outbreak of SARS in 2003. Numerous media releases and features on health-related issues ensuing the epidemic listed dairy products as an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, essential for building up the immune system. Brand recognition is the key success in consumer products, especially in such homogenous product as milk product. The Yili has relied on advertising and promotions to build and increase consumer awareness, therefore incurring huge advertising and promotion expenses. The Yili has built a strong brand name in China. Its trademark won recognition as a â€Å"PRC Famous Trademark†in 2002, among other awards. Strong brand awareness is vital to expanding the business and preventing market share erosion. In addition, the company also won other certifications, such as being named the â€Å"Exclusive Diary Products for Chinese Cosmonauts†, and the â€Å"Exclusive Diary Products for National Sports Bureau Training Institute Athletes. †The strong consumer awareness of its brand name is vital to its expansion strategy and the prevention of market share erosion. For instance, the Yili has successfully promoted its Bitter Coffee brand of flavoured ice ream in the Beijing and Tianjin areas, through strong TV advertising. Price Retail prices have increased greatly since 1995, but the rate of retail price inflation has been slowed down by controls brought in by the government, intended to slow down rampant internal market growth, and keep price inflation to manageable levels. The rise in product prices used to be one of the most worrying rends in the domestic economy for the government, especially as these rises were creating substantial difficulties for many lower-income households, and the threat of social unrest should these difficulties persist. Price controls brought in for the sake of keeping basic food prices at a level to suit poorer households included the reintroduction of rationing on products. However, over the last few years, the rise in competition in most consumer product markets has forced consumer prices down. Indeed, the Chinese economy is now facing chronic deflation due to the decline in consumer prices. This deflation has become more acute due to the lack of upward movement in property prices in China, largely due to oversupply in sectors of property market. The rising purchasing power of Chinese consumers has provided a stable pricing environment for milk products. Retail prices of liquid milk has been fairly stable but may drop 2% p. a. in the next two years, which is quite reasonable as industry expansion will yield more room for price cut. On the other hand, as Yili gradually shifted form the low- to the higher-end ice cream, the average ice cream sale price had increased 21% in 2003. The company is expecting to the upward trend to continue in the next few years. This can overall conclude that the marketing mix implemented by the Yili is well successfully. This is due to the fact that the company’s product have met the customer expectations in terms of quality, types of raw material, taste and services that provide by the company. Price of the product is acceptable by customers and a well distribution place and promotion tools have been chosen to attractive the customer. Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is the customer’s fulfilment responses to a consumption experience, or some part of it (Buttle, 2005). Customer satisfaction is important to a company as customer satisfaction rises, so does customer repurchase intention. Customer satisfaction has been the subject of considerable discussion in the research. Customer satisfaction may increase based on the want and need, times, power of buying, and status. Today companies have moved from a product and sales philosophy to a new marketing philosophy. In order to achieve the company’s goal of capture 50 per cent of market share and profitability, the company first has to satisfy their customers. According to Mr Wang, the company’s targeted customers are all levels of buyers including infants. Thus, the company will satisfy their customer by offer them with a good taste, acceptable and nice packaging products. Besides, the company has obtained their customer satisfaction by offering some services, such as customer suggestion corner, customer service department or customer complaint section to deal with all sorts of problems. Moreover, the design of the packaging will be changed according to the change of time for certain period between half years. Porter’s Generic Strategies Through the interview, Mr Wang has indicated that the Yili is implementing the Cost Leadership Strategy in order to survive in the market. The industry is in the price war situation. The lowest price product the company can offer the more customers it can attract. Thus, the Yili is using batch production to reduce the cost of the product with the use of cheap but high quality materials. The machine that imported from western country that is not affordable by other small companies has helps them to lead in the cost reduction. . 3 Chapter Summary The findings show that the competition faced by the Yili is not only from local market but also foreigner such as companies from United Kingdom and America. Through the findings and analysis, it is known that the company-the Yili Group has adopted some effective strategies to cope with the environmental change and increase the demand of the sales by influencing of marketing segmentation, marketing targeting, marketing positioning, marketing mix, PEST factors and SWOT analysis.
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