Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Criminals Are Rational Decision Makers - 1541 Words
Most criminals are rational decision makers. If the criminals are motivated by social forces, they are still making the rational decision to commit the crime; they considered the personal and situational factors before the crime. Their personal factor would be why they are doing this; their situational factors is where. As for the criminals that are motivated by uncontrollable urges, some of them developed those urges based on the onset of crime. Some emotional drives are irrational, such as violence in the heat of the moment; some psychological drives are irrational such as a mania (e.g. kleptomania, pyromania). I would not live in a society where crime rates are low because of extreme punishments. Punishment should fit the crime. Punishment doesn’t always deter criminals from committing crime because they will always find a way around the harsh punishments. Under the view offender-specific, offenders also gauge the level of risk and expected punishment before acting. Living in a society with harsh punishments might raise stress level and unintentionally people will act with their emotions similar to a revolt. That raises crime rates instead. I would be more afraid of receiving criminal punishment because I have to pay for my actions rather than get away with â€Å"free†assets. It means I failed to correctly evaluate the risk, identify suitable exit routes, and my skills were inadequate to perform the crime. The embarrassment I have to face my friends and relative is close toShow MoreRelatedAre Criminals Rational Decision Makers? Essay examples2042 Words  | 9 Pagesexplanation of the criminal behaviours will be examined and explained relating to each supporting theories. The traditional explanations for crime are nature vs. nurture debate and the ideas relating to any possible biological reasons that turns someone into a criminal. Are some people really just ‘born bad?’ or are there other, social reasons for criminal behaviour? In this essay I will look at both sides of the argument, and offer an insight into the reasons behind such criminal behaviours. The ClassicalRead MoreThe Rational Choice T heory Of Criminology1106 Words  | 5 Pages The Rational Choice Theory April Smolkowicz Criminology 3200 Georgia Gwinnett College The Classical School of Criminology was developed by two utilitarian philosophers, Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham during the early 17th century. The Classical School of Criminology is an important theory in the framework of criminal behavior, with principle themes that include: criminal acts are of individuals free will and rational deliberation, calculating, and hedonistic beings. Criminals make a rationalRead MoreRussian Mafia1601 Words  | 7 Pagesarticle entails the rational choice theory model with how it justifies being able to join the Russian Mafia and the business that they conduct. A rational theorist would argue that we as people are rational human beings who carefully calculated the consequences of our behaviour. We make choices based on the cost benefit analysis. The concept of the cost benefit analysis is that when we have to make a choice, that choice is weighted between the cost and benefit of the decision that is made. In dealingRead MorePositivism And Clas sical Criminology1069 Words  | 5 PagesIn Criminology there are two main approaches when talking about why criminals commit crime: positivism and classical criminology. Throughout the decades there have been many criminologists that debate this subject like positivist Cesare Lombroso who believed that criminals were less evolved than non-criminals and believed they had a more primitive mind. Whereas Bentham viewed all people as rational decision makers and created the pain-pleasure theory. In the Sage Dictionary of Criminology the definitionRead MoreRational Choice vs. Trait Theory Essay1492 Words  | 6 PagesRational Choice Theory VS. Trait Theory Student Name Criminology : Park University Online Program In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting the Rational Choice Theory(s) and the Trait Theory(s). We will start with the history of the two theories and progress toward some of the individual principles in the theories. Next step will be explaining how each theory contributes to criminal behavior. My closing paragraph will concludeRead MoreCriminal Justice Organizational Effectiveness Essay1084 Words  | 5 Pagesachieving the desirable results is indicative of organization effectiveness. The United States Criminal Justice system is amongst the most respected governmental entities on the planet; and with a formidably structured and well developed hierarchy, history has uncovered its adaptability through operational effectiveness. Although many process, protocols, and scientifically reforms have been adopted, criminal justice practitioners and senior level leaders provide are continuously developing and revitalizingRead MoreDr. David Burns s The Feeling Good Handbook703 Wor ds  | 3 Pagesclinical treatment of depression and have been used by clinicians to address criminal behavior. The first article in this issue of Watchmen, â€Å"Assumption Busting,†explores how faulty assumptions can make our problem solving ineffective. Cognitive Emotive Therapy makes a broader claim. Mistaken ideas can actually ruin our lives and health with bad decisions. Put another way, faulty (or irrational) thinking makes us ill, but rational thinking restores our mental health and social balance. According to CognitiveRead MoreWho Are The Parties In The Case?. The Parties In This Case1083 Words  | 5 Pagesgrandfather by poisoning him, thus making the will operative with the intention of receiving the estate before the will could be modified to exclude him from acquisition. While there was existing criminal legislation which would punish the defendant for his crime of murder, there was no statute under either criminal or probate law which would negate his claim to the estate, despite the claim being a direct result of his role in the murder. What is the legal issue that the court had to decide? Does theRead MoreTheories of Juvenile Delinquency703 Words  | 3 Pagesexplain delinquency and collectively, they provide a greater understanding for administrators and policy makers that are essential in developing programs and treatments that reduce juvenile delinquency and minimize its impact on our societies. This paper will discuss two prominent theories, the choice theory and the learning theories Choice Theories According to the choice theory, juveniles are rational beings that make a choice of committing an unlawful act on the basis of their evaluation of the risksRead MoreCriminal Law And Popular Culture1367 Words  | 6 Pages Criminal Law and Popular Culture With the increase in crime rates and application of criminal justice, it is factual that the filming industry has embraced the issue where more than quarter of the television dramas and films are based on crime and criminal justice. Most of these television programs and dramas exhibit values such as societal norms in law enforcement and agencies involved in criminal law. Therefore, messages conveyed in these TV programs are based on the real life law
Criminals Are Rational Decision Makers - 1541 Words
Most criminals are rational decision makers. If the criminals are motivated by social forces, they are still making the rational decision to commit the crime; they considered the personal and situational factors before the crime. Their personal factor would be why they are doing this; their situational factors is where. As for the criminals that are motivated by uncontrollable urges, some of them developed those urges based on the onset of crime. Some emotional drives are irrational, such as violence in the heat of the moment; some psychological drives are irrational such as a mania (e.g. kleptomania, pyromania). I would not live in a society where crime rates are low because of extreme punishments. Punishment should fit the crime. Punishment doesn’t always deter criminals from committing crime because they will always find a way around the harsh punishments. Under the view offender-specific, offenders also gauge the level of risk and expected punishment before acting. Living in a society with harsh punishments might raise stress level and unintentionally people will act with their emotions similar to a revolt. That raises crime rates instead. I would be more afraid of receiving criminal punishment because I have to pay for my actions rather than get away with â€Å"free†assets. It means I failed to correctly evaluate the risk, identify suitable exit routes, and my skills were inadequate to perform the crime. The embarrassment I have to face my friends and relative is close toShow MoreRelatedAre Criminals Rational Decision Makers? Essay examples2042 Words  | 9 Pagesexplanation of the criminal behaviours will be examined and explained relating to each supporting theories. The traditional explanations for crime are nature vs. nurture debate and the ideas relating to any possible biological reasons that turns someone into a criminal. Are some people really just ‘born bad?’ or are there other, social reasons for criminal behaviour? In this essay I will look at both sides of the argument, and offer an insight into the reasons behind such criminal behaviours. The ClassicalRead MoreThe Rational Choice T heory Of Criminology1106 Words  | 5 Pages The Rational Choice Theory April Smolkowicz Criminology 3200 Georgia Gwinnett College The Classical School of Criminology was developed by two utilitarian philosophers, Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham during the early 17th century. The Classical School of Criminology is an important theory in the framework of criminal behavior, with principle themes that include: criminal acts are of individuals free will and rational deliberation, calculating, and hedonistic beings. Criminals make a rationalRead MoreRussian Mafia1601 Words  | 7 Pagesarticle entails the rational choice theory model with how it justifies being able to join the Russian Mafia and the business that they conduct. A rational theorist would argue that we as people are rational human beings who carefully calculated the consequences of our behaviour. We make choices based on the cost benefit analysis. The concept of the cost benefit analysis is that when we have to make a choice, that choice is weighted between the cost and benefit of the decision that is made. In dealingRead MorePositivism And Clas sical Criminology1069 Words  | 5 PagesIn Criminology there are two main approaches when talking about why criminals commit crime: positivism and classical criminology. Throughout the decades there have been many criminologists that debate this subject like positivist Cesare Lombroso who believed that criminals were less evolved than non-criminals and believed they had a more primitive mind. Whereas Bentham viewed all people as rational decision makers and created the pain-pleasure theory. In the Sage Dictionary of Criminology the definitionRead MoreRational Choice vs. Trait Theory Essay1492 Words  | 6 PagesRational Choice Theory VS. Trait Theory Student Name Criminology : Park University Online Program In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting the Rational Choice Theory(s) and the Trait Theory(s). We will start with the history of the two theories and progress toward some of the individual principles in the theories. Next step will be explaining how each theory contributes to criminal behavior. My closing paragraph will concludeRead MoreCriminal Justice Organizational Effectiveness Essay1084 Words  | 5 Pagesachieving the desirable results is indicative of organization effectiveness. The United States Criminal Justice system is amongst the most respected governmental entities on the planet; and with a formidably structured and well developed hierarchy, history has uncovered its adaptability through operational effectiveness. Although many process, protocols, and scientifically reforms have been adopted, criminal justice practitioners and senior level leaders provide are continuously developing and revitalizingRead MoreDr. David Burns s The Feeling Good Handbook703 Wor ds  | 3 Pagesclinical treatment of depression and have been used by clinicians to address criminal behavior. The first article in this issue of Watchmen, â€Å"Assumption Busting,†explores how faulty assumptions can make our problem solving ineffective. Cognitive Emotive Therapy makes a broader claim. Mistaken ideas can actually ruin our lives and health with bad decisions. Put another way, faulty (or irrational) thinking makes us ill, but rational thinking restores our mental health and social balance. According to CognitiveRead MoreWho Are The Parties In The Case?. The Parties In This Case1083 Words  | 5 Pagesgrandfather by poisoning him, thus making the will operative with the intention of receiving the estate before the will could be modified to exclude him from acquisition. While there was existing criminal legislation which would punish the defendant for his crime of murder, there was no statute under either criminal or probate law which would negate his claim to the estate, despite the claim being a direct result of his role in the murder. What is the legal issue that the court had to decide? Does theRead MoreTheories of Juvenile Delinquency703 Words  | 3 Pagesexplain delinquency and collectively, they provide a greater understanding for administrators and policy makers that are essential in developing programs and treatments that reduce juvenile delinquency and minimize its impact on our societies. This paper will discuss two prominent theories, the choice theory and the learning theories Choice Theories According to the choice theory, juveniles are rational beings that make a choice of committing an unlawful act on the basis of their evaluation of the risksRead MoreCriminal Law And Popular Culture1367 Words  | 6 Pages Criminal Law and Popular Culture With the increase in crime rates and application of criminal justice, it is factual that the filming industry has embraced the issue where more than quarter of the television dramas and films are based on crime and criminal justice. Most of these television programs and dramas exhibit values such as societal norms in law enforcement and agencies involved in criminal law. Therefore, messages conveyed in these TV programs are based on the real life law
Criminals Are Rational Decision Makers - 1541 Words
Most criminals are rational decision makers. If the criminals are motivated by social forces, they are still making the rational decision to commit the crime; they considered the personal and situational factors before the crime. Their personal factor would be why they are doing this; their situational factors is where. As for the criminals that are motivated by uncontrollable urges, some of them developed those urges based on the onset of crime. Some emotional drives are irrational, such as violence in the heat of the moment; some psychological drives are irrational such as a mania (e.g. kleptomania, pyromania). I would not live in a society where crime rates are low because of extreme punishments. Punishment should fit the crime. Punishment doesn’t always deter criminals from committing crime because they will always find a way around the harsh punishments. Under the view offender-specific, offenders also gauge the level of risk and expected punishment before acting. Living in a society with harsh punishments might raise stress level and unintentionally people will act with their emotions similar to a revolt. That raises crime rates instead. I would be more afraid of receiving criminal punishment because I have to pay for my actions rather than get away with â€Å"free†assets. It means I failed to correctly evaluate the risk, identify suitable exit routes, and my skills were inadequate to perform the crime. The embarrassment I have to face my friends and relative is close toShow MoreRelatedAre Criminals Rational Decision Makers? Essay examples2042 Words  | 9 Pagesexplanation of the criminal behaviours will be examined and explained relating to each supporting theories. The traditional explanations for crime are nature vs. nurture debate and the ideas relating to any possible biological reasons that turns someone into a criminal. Are some people really just ‘born bad?’ or are there other, social reasons for criminal behaviour? In this essay I will look at both sides of the argument, and offer an insight into the reasons behind such criminal behaviours. The ClassicalRead MoreThe Rational Choice T heory Of Criminology1106 Words  | 5 Pages The Rational Choice Theory April Smolkowicz Criminology 3200 Georgia Gwinnett College The Classical School of Criminology was developed by two utilitarian philosophers, Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham during the early 17th century. The Classical School of Criminology is an important theory in the framework of criminal behavior, with principle themes that include: criminal acts are of individuals free will and rational deliberation, calculating, and hedonistic beings. Criminals make a rationalRead MoreRussian Mafia1601 Words  | 7 Pagesarticle entails the rational choice theory model with how it justifies being able to join the Russian Mafia and the business that they conduct. A rational theorist would argue that we as people are rational human beings who carefully calculated the consequences of our behaviour. We make choices based on the cost benefit analysis. The concept of the cost benefit analysis is that when we have to make a choice, that choice is weighted between the cost and benefit of the decision that is made. In dealingRead MorePositivism And Clas sical Criminology1069 Words  | 5 PagesIn Criminology there are two main approaches when talking about why criminals commit crime: positivism and classical criminology. Throughout the decades there have been many criminologists that debate this subject like positivist Cesare Lombroso who believed that criminals were less evolved than non-criminals and believed they had a more primitive mind. Whereas Bentham viewed all people as rational decision makers and created the pain-pleasure theory. In the Sage Dictionary of Criminology the definitionRead MoreRational Choice vs. Trait Theory Essay1492 Words  | 6 PagesRational Choice Theory VS. Trait Theory Student Name Criminology : Park University Online Program In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting the Rational Choice Theory(s) and the Trait Theory(s). We will start with the history of the two theories and progress toward some of the individual principles in the theories. Next step will be explaining how each theory contributes to criminal behavior. My closing paragraph will concludeRead MoreCriminal Justice Organizational Effectiveness Essay1084 Words  | 5 Pagesachieving the desirable results is indicative of organization effectiveness. The United States Criminal Justice system is amongst the most respected governmental entities on the planet; and with a formidably structured and well developed hierarchy, history has uncovered its adaptability through operational effectiveness. Although many process, protocols, and scientifically reforms have been adopted, criminal justice practitioners and senior level leaders provide are continuously developing and revitalizingRead MoreDr. David Burns s The Feeling Good Handbook703 Wor ds  | 3 Pagesclinical treatment of depression and have been used by clinicians to address criminal behavior. The first article in this issue of Watchmen, â€Å"Assumption Busting,†explores how faulty assumptions can make our problem solving ineffective. Cognitive Emotive Therapy makes a broader claim. Mistaken ideas can actually ruin our lives and health with bad decisions. Put another way, faulty (or irrational) thinking makes us ill, but rational thinking restores our mental health and social balance. According to CognitiveRead MoreWho Are The Parties In The Case?. The Parties In This Case1083 Words  | 5 Pagesgrandfather by poisoning him, thus making the will operative with the intention of receiving the estate before the will could be modified to exclude him from acquisition. While there was existing criminal legislation which would punish the defendant for his crime of murder, there was no statute under either criminal or probate law which would negate his claim to the estate, despite the claim being a direct result of his role in the murder. What is the legal issue that the court had to decide? Does theRead MoreTheories of Juvenile Delinquency703 Words  | 3 Pagesexplain delinquency and collectively, they provide a greater understanding for administrators and policy makers that are essential in developing programs and treatments that reduce juvenile delinquency and minimize its impact on our societies. This paper will discuss two prominent theories, the choice theory and the learning theories Choice Theories According to the choice theory, juveniles are rational beings that make a choice of committing an unlawful act on the basis of their evaluation of the risksRead MoreCriminal Law And Popular Culture1367 Words  | 6 Pages Criminal Law and Popular Culture With the increase in crime rates and application of criminal justice, it is factual that the filming industry has embraced the issue where more than quarter of the television dramas and films are based on crime and criminal justice. Most of these television programs and dramas exhibit values such as societal norms in law enforcement and agencies involved in criminal law. Therefore, messages conveyed in these TV programs are based on the real life law
Monday, December 16, 2019
Order of Research Papers Can Be Fun for Everyone
Order of Research Papers Can Be Fun for Everyone Facts, Fiction and Order of Research Papers There are several reasons why students utilize absolutely free term papers. In order for they to find the resources that are right for them, they need to decide why they need to get a term paper for free and what they will use it for. To get an idea, they can study free research papers online. Some students simply don't have sufficient knowledge for a definite job. The Foolproof Order of Research Papers Strategy Research paper writing is a difficult nut to crack. It is not a task for one day. It is not easy to write. An individual should realize that every Research Paper is a sophisticated writing because it must contain distinctive research and distinctive idea. What to Expect From Order of Research Papers? There you're going to be able to look at the private information of the writer you would like and compare it to the others. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Differences between Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt free essay sample
Differences between Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt It is not possible for civilizations to flow backwards while there is creativity and curiosity in the world. Each civilization learns from the one before it, but sometimes they are created entirely different. The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt are different. Mesopotamia and Egypt both had a very centralized government, but they both used different methods to see who would become the ruler. Agriculture, Mesopotamia and Egypt both had it, but it was harder for one civilization, to make agriculture work for them. Mesopotamian and Egyptian art was unique but both ever represented differently. When it came to science and technology, ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt progressed well in terms of how much had gotten accomplished. Firstly, Mesopotamia and Egypt had a very different way of finding the next ruler. The early Mesopotamian government of various towns and villages were democratic. The early Mesopotamians used a city-state type government; each was controlled by its own political and economical center. We will write a custom essay sample on Differences between Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Guisepi) This is significant because it shows that early Mesopotamians believed that democracy was the right and equal type of government to use. This relates to the thesis because it shows how dissimilar ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt were. The development of Egypt’s political structure started with the concept of god-king. Pharaohs were meant to resemble gods on earth. They received their power from the gods, which ensured their considerable stability. To guarantee the purest line of rulers, Pharaohs passed on the throne to the eldest son of the prime queen. (Newman 59-60) This is important because it shows that Egyptians had a spiritual connection to the gods, which aloud them to have pharaohs, who were represented as gods on earth. Ancient Mesopotamians compared to Ancient Egyptians did not believe in God on Earth, this makes both civilizations uniquely different. Therefore, the two civilizations centralized governments were distinct, early ancient Mesopotamians believed in democracy and ancient Egypt used the theory of god-king. Secondly, agriculture for ancient Mesopotamia was dreadful and Egyptian farming was almost trouble-free. Mesopotamian land received little rainfall for crops; the soil was parched and it contained no minerals. All year-round life for farmers was challenging and demanding. (Newman 40) (Louis)This is important, because this also shows how hard it was for ancient Mesopotamia to farm under harsh conditions and for them to be able to grow as a civilization, food was needed and if food was not available then it would be hard for the civilization to expand. This relates to the thesis by that ancient Egyptians had various amounts of food to expand their civilization and Mesopotamians did not. Egyptian agriculture was very simple and easy to take care off. After floods, the land would be fertile, full of rich nutrients and minerals. Farmers would plant many vegetables and fruits and they used irrigation, which helped water dry lands with streams, canals or pies. (Louis) This is significant for the reason that it highlights how Egyptian agriculture was used. Also how much simpler it was for the Egyptians, who had recognized the flood timings of the Nile. Contrasted to the Mesopotamians who did not know the flood timings of the Euphrates and Tigris River. This shows how hard it was for Mesopotamians to farm under harsh conditions. Even though both civilizations were located near water (the very basis of life), each had a different outcome with agriculture. Thirdly, ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian art was represented in diverse ways. Egyptian art meant to capture eternity for an individual represented. Since Egyptians wanted to live forever, their art it made it possible. The main task of the Egyptian artist was to capture for eternity, the real meaning and character of the deceased. Egyptian art also focused on gods and human scenes, which were shown in characteristics, stylized in a certain form, such form that it lasted without change for many centuries. (Newman 76) (Guisepi) This is important to remember because it shows that Egyptians wanted to be remembered and idolized forever. This compared to the Mesopotamians shows a very a different opinion on art. Mesopotamian art was small in scale to Egyptian art; it also had two preoccupations-man’s relationship to the gods and conflict on real/ mythological situations. The first piece of art was the Ziggurats, which shows that Mesopotamians believed in humans serving the gods. For real and mythological situations purposes many Mesopotamians used a cylinder seal as jewellery or as magical amulets, which were connected to cuneiform writing. This is significant, because it demonstrates that mostly Mesopotamia’s art was used for praying to gods and since they did not have much stone this made them different from Egyptians who had much more stone to use for practical purposes. Ancient Mesopotamia and Egyptian art was unique in their own way, they both represented different ideas and concepts. Finally, Ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt excelled differently in science and technology. Many simple and daily objects were created by Mesopotamians. Mesopotamians created the first known wheeled vehicle, seeder-plows, pickaxes, cuneiform writing, the 360Â ° circle and the Ziggurats. This is important because it shows that Mesopotamians realized that that they could invent things that could make their lives easier. This relates back to the thesis that since Mesopotamians created the most basic things needed, this makes them different from the Egyptians. The Egyptians mostly focused on hieroglyphics and medicine. Egyptians abandoned the Mesopotamian cuneiform writing and created the hieroglyphics, which were used until 394 CE. Hieroglyphics went from temples and tombs to impractical everyday use. Medicine was practiced and used. Medicine was practiced and used; it contained observations mixed with magic and religion. With this, a certain disease could have been associated with a god- if he or she was unhappy with you- would explain why the person had the disease. (Newman 81-82) This is significant, for the reason that it shows how Egyptians wanted to be separated and how they became independent. This also shows that Egyptians created only what was necessary. While Mesopotamians created all the basic technology and Egyptians only created the necessary tools to live comfortably. To conclude, the first two ancient civilizations, Mesopotamia and Egypt are not alike in character or quality. Ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt had centralized governments, but the way each civilization was ruled was very unlike. Agriculture was a great influence on ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt; both civilizations had a different ways of dealing with the outcomes. Ancient Egyptian art was mostly based around pharaoh and documenting life, while ancient Mesopotamian art was based mostly gods relationship to humans and conflict real or mythological events that took place. Ancient Mesopotamia created the basic technology that was useful to everyone and ancient Egyptians were more involved in medical science and hieroglyphics. Therefore, the first two civilizations are only one of its kind and not alike with each other in any way or form.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The British Mandate in Palestine free essay sample
With the McMahon correspondence between the Arabs and the British, Britain’s government supported the establishment of an independent Arab state, a completely contradictory promise by the Balfour Declaration were the British promised to support the creation of a Jewish home in Palestine. Despite all of these promises and the purpose set by the League of Nations, the British mandate was trying to establish two things, the building of a Jewish National homeland and the preparation of the population for a self-government nation. Throughout the region, Arabs were angered by Britain’s failure to fulfill its promise to create an independent Arab state and instead support the national Jewish homeland in Palestine. This situation caused some Arabs to oppose to the British mandate causing trouble between the British, Arabs and Jews in the region, trouble that got out of the hands of the British government. Every time the British tried to create a new compromise, both sides would reject it because it was either too little or too much for one party or the other, resulting in violent waves, making the state much more unstable. We will write a custom essay sample on The British Mandate in Palestine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As the years went by the British were unable to keep order, they relied on Royal Commissions to solve problems in Palestine. The first White Paper was issued by Winston Churchill stating that a national home did not mean making all of Palestine into a Jewish nation and that Jewish immigration would be regulated. From this day, every new gave of Jewish immigration resulted in riots and each beginning of violence resulted in an investigation by the Royal Commission, requested by the British to try to figure out what was going wrong. A total of five Royal Commissions occurred throughout the Mandate and all of them said that the guidelines set up by the British were all contradictory with one another. With every bad thing there must be a good one. Throughout the Mandate the economy of Palestine grew and an increase in the standard of living was seen. Jews that migrated into Palestine were mostly wealthy and as they kept coming into the region the more they would invest in buying land from the Arabs. It is estimated that about one-third of the population was Jewish and yet they were responsible for about 80% of the economic productivity. The Jews brought modern European manufacturing and farming methods while the Arabs were just primarily involved in traditional agriculture. If the British mandate wouldn’t have supported the idea of a Jewish national homeland en Palestine, Palestine’s economy wouldn’t have grown as much as it did compared to its Arabs neighbors economy. The British Mandate was like a roller coaster for Britain, with ups but mostly downs. Within the Mandate the British were unable to keep its promises with the Jews and Arabs. They were unable to maintain control in the region between the two parties and depended on the Royal Commissions advice. Despite all of these, it is important to recognize that Britain helped with the economic growth of Palestine, if they hadn’t allowed Jewish immigration this growth would have not been possible. Britain’s main purposes with the mandate in Palestine were not accomplished; Britain ended up stepping out and left these two people to fight amongst each other and to figure everything out on their own, it seemed that in the end the British gained enemies instead of allies with the Jews and Arabs.
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