Sunday, March 22, 2020
Individuals Come First
We live in a society where we operate through groups. In our families we indentify ourselves as individuals. Communities or other groups in the society are made up of individual members. It should be noted that without individuals, society would not be in existence. On the same note, it is people who enact laws that govern behavior and mode of conduct in society.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Individuals Come First specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Traditions that people follow nowadays were not instituted by any group, but rather by individuals who decided to lay down procedures that would govern every other person in society. Moreover, the society as a whole is identified using a given language, because individuals in the society decide to use the language in their day-to-day activities. This is contrary to the belief held by others that society’s needs are more important than individual needs. Though t hrough traditions, customs and various types of education people have been made to believe that society matters come first before individual matters, the opposite is true. Inherently, human beings will want to focus on the purpose of their lives and not that of society or a certain group. Even when people belong to various groups in the society, individual focus takes center stage. The continuous search by human beings to define themselves will continue to rule what people do and how they conduct their activities. Different societal groups start and collapse, people can move from one location to another and adapt to different traditions and customs, states come and go but individuals remain. People will still demand for freedom and privacy to carry out their life in their own best way possible, without being restricted by society. Therefore, it is wrong to argue that society will at any instance come first before individuals. By trying to satisfy individual needs, people indirectly fulfill the needs of the society as a whole, since society and other communal groups are just but a collection of individuals. These individuals have to be taken care of first, before the whole group is looked into. There is no person who will want to extend a helping hand to the society before satisfying his or her own needs. From the very basic unit of society, the family, individualistic wants come first before any other needs. It has been argued that culture and language modify people in society while taking societal needs first. However, it can be noted that due to dissatisfaction of some members with their culture, they have exhibited defiant behavior leading to change in the way of doing some things. Families, religious groups or other societal organizations would not have wanted the changes to be accommodated. Incidentally, because individuals have the final say, the changes have been accepted. Therefore, individuals modify language and culture to suit their needs.Advertisin g Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is important to note that individualism is the reality of life, and it did not start with the emergence of capitalism. Since time immemorial, life has neither been about society nor about government, but about individuals who form these groups. The main motive that has driven progress and development in human society is the urge of people to advance their personal needs. Man has been known to resist any ideologies or institutions which hinder in any way the endeavors of personal development. As a matter of fact, man’s continuous opposition towards institutions brought about by various states has led to civilization. Similarly, resistance to various modes of governance has resulted from the shear perception that they are oppressive to individuals or groups of individuals. This shows that individuals have a very crucial role than the society in human li fe. Notably, before the emergence of societal groups, man still lived and conducted life in a more or less organized way. Some groups which have emerged in human society in the name of regulating human behavior and enhancing societal interests are actually doing the opposite. Governments were introduced when the wealthy people in the society, masquerading as saviors, wanted to rule the poor and protect their status quo. The idea of free market operation is another example of how individualistic interests are being advanced. People will want to have the opportunity to sell more or buy more if they have the ability. They will care less about the group in which they belong or the state from which they come. It is not peculiar to get people who come from a specific community or ethnic background, identifying themselves with others from different communities because they have common individual interests. Leaders claim to represent the public but when an opportunity of advancing their own interests comes, they jump and take advantage of it at the expense of the public. In the society, progress of the whole community is a summation of total individual progress of all members. Consequently, it is the individual in a group who matters and not the group per se. In this regard, it is fundamentally wrong for people to argue that individuals will play second fiddle in human society. This essay on Individuals Come First was written and submitted by user Puff Adder to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
How To Computerize Your Accounts Essays - Information Systems
How To Computerize Your Accounts Essays - Information Systems How To Computerize Your Accounts Mark Demayo OUTLINE THESIS: I will explain the steps that need to be taken to computerize business accounts. The steps are planning and informed selecting of hardware, software, and training. I. Making the decision to computerize II. Choosing the correct tools A. Software B. Hardware C. New and old technology III. Installation and training In the normal course of a day our lives are affected by the technology of computers in ways we can only begin to imagine. The word ubiquitous means ever-present or occurring everywhere. This term could be used to describe the use of the computer in the business(Perry 11). The business worlds benefit alone is enough to make your head spin. Every time you go to the grocery store, the bank, the local ATM, or even the neighborhood gym you cannot help but benefit by the use of computers in modern society. The common civilians encounter with computers is not the only area where technology has changed our lives. Many fields in business such as accounting depend on the convenience, speed, accuracy, and reliability that computers have become known for. But not all companies are large enough to benefit from the use of computers. First a company must research the impact a computer will have on keeping track of its accounts. Then they must choose the correct hardware and software to best suit th eir particular needs, while at the same time making themselves familiar with the new enhancements that increase productivity. Finally, the company must allow time for installation and training. When evaluating the need to convert from a manual accounting system to a computerized accounting system you also need to forecast the future demands of your company. After all to survive in the business world you must anticipate the future and not react to the past. How do you know when it is time to make the critical transition? It is when management finds itself unable to keep track of its business. Which products are profitable? Which are not? Which customers pay on time ? Which are delinquent? Having easy access to this data is essential to running a healthy and competitive business(Stevens 106). When your company has grown so large that management no longer has access to the data used to make informed decisions, then it is probably time to switch to a computerized data management system. These computerized data management systems are often called information systems. The company now has two choices. It can either hire a professional consulting firm to help select and install the computer system, or venture out on its own to make these important decisions. Adequate planning is the most important step in assuring the successful use of computer technology (Perry 23). Most companies would be better off seeking the aid of a consulting firm. They are better informed on the different types of hardware and software that would best suit your computing needs. An outside firm is a better choice because they are less likely to make a costly mistake when choosing the new system. Another benefit to using a consulting firm would be their help in setting-up the procedures for using the new computer system and the necessary training to implement those procedures. Once you have decided that your company can benefit from computer enhancements it is then a matter of choosing which software and hardware at would be most useful. Software is just another name for the programming that computers run on. It is the language that tells computers what to do. When choosing accounting software it is important to, make sure to select the right number and combination of software modules to meet your companys accounting needs. Most software packages include modules for accounts receivable, accounts payable, general ledger, inventory and payroll (Stevens 108). The objective is to come up with an integrated system by selecting the modules important to your company. Here is an example of an integrated accounting system. Say you send a bill to customer. With manual systems you would have to post it three times: to the sales journal, to a customer receivable account and to the general ledger. But with an integrated computer system you can make one entry and the da ta will be posted automatically to all
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