Saturday, May 23, 2020
Names of Stores and Shops in Spanish
Planning to do some shopping when you visit Spanish speaking country? It would be a good idea to learn one of the most common suffixes used with Spanish nouns, -erà a, typically used to indicate where something is made or sold. Youll run into the word most often as the names of specialty stores, such as zapaterà a for shoe store and joyerà a for jewelry store. It is less commonly used for a place where an item is manufactured or processed, such as herrerà a for an ironworks or blacksmiths shop. Names for Stores and Shops Following are some examples of shop names using -erà a. All of these nouns are feminine in gender. This list is far from complete but includes most of them youre likely to come across. aguardenterà a  liquor store (from aguardiente, moonshine or liquor)azucarerà a  sugar shop (from azà ºcar, sugar)bizcocherà a  pastry shop (from bizcocho, type of cake or biscuit; this term is most common in Mexico)boleterà a  ticket office, box office (from boleto, admission ticket)cafeterà a  coffeeshop, snack bar (from cafà ©, coffee)calceterà a  hosiery shop (from calceta, sock or knitting)carnicerà a  butcher shop (from caherrrne, meat)charcuterà a  delicatessen (from French charcuterie; term used in Spain)cervecerà a  brewery, bar (from cerveza, beer)confiterà a  candy store (from confite, candy)droguerà a  drugstore, variety store (from droga, drug)ebanisterà a  cabinet shop, place where cabinets are made (from ebano, ebony)ferreterà a  hardware store (from an old word for iron)floristerà a  flower shop (from flor, flower)fruterà a  fruit shop (from fruta, fruit)heladerà a  ice-cream parlor (from helado, ice cream)herboristerà a  herbalists shop (from hierba, herb)herrerà a  blacksmiths shop (from hierra, iron)joyerà a  jewelry shop (from joya, jewel)jugueterà a  toy shop (from juguete, toy)lavanderà a  laundry (from lavar, to wash)lecherà a  dairy (from leche, milk)lencerà a  linen shop, lingerie shop (from lienzo, linen)librerà a  bookstore (from libro, book)mueblerà a  furniture store (from mueble, piece of furniture)panaderà a  bakery (from pan, bread)papelerà a  stationery store (from papel, paper)pastelerà a  pastry shop (from pastel, cake)peluquerà a  hairdressers shop, beauty shop, barbershop (from peluca, wig)perfumerà a  fragrance shop, perfume storepescaderà a  seafood store (from pez, fish)pizzerà a  pizzeria, pizza par lor (from pizza, pizza)platerà a  silversmiths shop (from plata, silver)pulperà a  small grocery store (from pulpa, fruit pulp; Latin American term)ropavejerà a  used-clothing store (from ropa vieja, old clothes)salchicheria  pork butchers shop (from salchicha, sausage)sastrerà a  tailors shop (from sastre, tailor)sombrererà a  hat shop, hat factory (from sombrero, hat)tabaquerà a  tobacco shop (from tabaco, tobacco)tapicerà a  upholstery shop, furniture store (from tapiz, tapestry)tintorerà a  dry-cleaners (from tinto, red wine or dye)verdulerà a  produce store, greengrocers, vegetable market (from verdura, vegetable)zapaterà a  shoe store (from zapato, shoe) Shopping Vocabulary Here are some words you may see posted in stores: abierto  opencajero  cashiercerrado  closeddescuento, rebaja  discountempuje  push (on a door)entrada  entrancejale  pull (on a door)oferta  saleprecios bajos  low pricestienda  store or shop Here are some words and phrases you may find useful when shopping: Hola.  Hello, hiPor favor.  Please.Busco _____.  Im looking for _____. ¿Dà ³nde puedo encontrar _____?  Where can I find _____? ¡Me gusta!  I like it! ¡Cuà ¡l me recomendarà a?  Which one would you recommend? ¿Hay algo mà ¡s barato (caro)?  Is there anything cheaper (more expensive)?Voy a comprar esto. Voy a comprar estos.  Ill buy this. Ill buy these. ¿Habla inglà ©s?  Do you speak English?Horario de atencià ³n  Times when a business is open.Estar en stock, estar fuera stock  To be in stock, to be out of stock.Tamaà ±o  Size ¿Dà ³nde està ¡ el/la _____ mà ¡s cerca? (Where is the nearest _____?)Gracias.  Thanks. Etymology The suffix -erà a comes from the Latin suffix -arius, which had a far more general usage. In a few cases, the suffix can be used to form a noun from an adjective. For example, the state of being unmarried can be called solterà a, from soltero, alone. The suffix exists in English in the form of -ary, as in apothecary, although that suffix also has a more general meaning than does -erà a.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay Human Nature and Proper Order - 1725 Words
Proper Order in Confucianism and as taught primarily by Mencius, the Chinese philosopher, is the conceptual theory that instructs how people can reach their highest potential of moral and material well being embodied in Mencius conception of human nature. The theory of proper order is the primary and philosophical means to that end. Although proper order may seem in many ways philosophically abstract, Mencius teachings of proper order in history have had lasting and tangible effects on modern East Asian politics and its relationship between the state and society, and even on a narrower level of the individual and community. In fact, the theory of proper order starts first at the individual level and from there flourishes to create a†¦show more content†¦The conception of human nature is one of the most fundamental concepts that has come to characterize much of East Asian thought and behavior and which its effects can still be found today. The Chinese philosopher who can be c redited with establishing the definition of human nature which East Asia recognizes with today is Mencius. Mencius lived during a period of seemingly perpetual warfare and great upheaval within China called the Warring States Period (Lecture). During this violet period in Chinas history a change was taking place in the development of warfare, which was becoming increasingly brutal and prevalent throughout the region, taking a terrible toll on lives lost. During these uncertain times Mencius travelled from one feudal state to another, speaking to the rulers about government, deploring the effects of warfare on the people, and pleading the case for the practicality of humaneness (De Bary 114). Mencius helped change the perspective of leaders which precipitated changes in values in the time of Confucius in the subsequent Warring States period (De Barry 114). Because of this effort, Mencius is regarded as one of the greatest founding thinkers on Confucius thought, and his commitment and belief in the value of the common citizen is a significant influence that helped steer China to a more peaceful state of affairs. In interpreting what the value of the common citizen is to the governingShow MoreRelatedDefinition Of Proper Order Of The East Asia Essay1488 Words  | 6 PagesMin Ji Park POLI 113A Midterm Prompt #1 Proper Order The Proper Order is a set of orders that are assumed to be the necessary qualifications for a society to be considered â€Å"proper†. This set of ideals is used to judge whether the political state of a given time of a state is failing or not. 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But also he is a man who â€Å" was unfortunate to have formed bad habits during his youth.†(278) Throughout the book, Aristotle describes the differences, as well as the connections between several different parts of morality. This includes the connections between morality and human nature, morality and rationality, intellectual and moral virtuesRead MoreThe Problem Of Global Poverty1609 Words  | 7 Pagessolving the global issue of poverty are constantly debated, as world leaders try to find the best possible approach. However, in order to work towards solving the problem of global poverty, we must first identify the key cause. The main source of global poverty is the inaccessibility to food as a necessary biological need, otherwise known as world hunger. Food is necessary in order to live. It provides fuel for basic biological functions and processes. Furthermore, the quality of a person’s diet affectsRead MoreChinese Philosophy Encompasses A Myriad Of Philosophies1441 Words  | 6 Pages Chinese philosophy encompasses a myriad of philosophies that speak on religion, human nature, tradition, how to govern and essentially how to live. Among these collections of schools of thought are Confucianism and Toaism. While there exists both similarities and differences between the Confucian sage and the Taoist sage their political beliefs communicate different methods of achieving a prosperous and ethical state. However, based on the apparent adaptability and separation from potentially inadequateRead MoreResponsibility Essay1121 Words  | 5 Pagessoil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival†( There is a working relationship between the environment and the human race. Resources, such as timber and oil for housing and heat, soil for farming, animals for food and for research testing just to name a few. Wendell Berry, in his essay â€Å"In Distrust of Movements†say, â€Å"Over the last twenty-five or thirty years
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Bombing Of The United States - 957 Words
Terrorist attacks happen all over the world, creating a sense of hysteria and panic to the people surrounding the tragic events. The third most horrific attack in history, in my opinion, happened on 23 October 1989 in Beirut. A Marine barracks was bombed in Beirut, Lebanon killing 220 Marines and 21 other service personnel. This attack was considered to be the deadliest attack to the U.S. Marines since the battle of Iwo Jima in 1945 (CNN, 2015). The bombing was traced back to the Hezbollah militant group along with Iranian and Syrian involvement. Colonel Timothy Geraghty, the commander of the barracks, after much criticism for having lackadaisical security said that it was hard to defend the compound due to local airport traffic. Countermeasure ideas for the Reagan administration were divided. Some said the president should deepen involvement in the Middle East while others feared doing that would lead to a trajectory similar to that of Vietnam. Ultimately, Reagan followed the advice of Secretary Weinberger that if we weren’t in it to win it, then we shouldn’t go to war (FoxNews, 2013). Reagan withdrew the troops in Lebanon and chose to not get involved in the Middle East. It has been over thirty years since the barrack bombing, and this attack is still considered one of the top terror attacks of all time. In fact, the Tamil Tigers performed a copycat attack a few years after this attack. When other terrorists mimic a particular attack, it is an indication of anShow MoreRelatedThe Bombing Of The United States1105 Words  | 5 Pagesfor achieving political ends. By the 2000’s, bin Laden had directed various attacks against the U.S. through the al-Qaeda terror network, including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Africa (Mulhausen). On September 11th, 2001 things would change, Bin Laden would strike on United States soil. Nineteen terrorists hijacked four separate planes and crashed them in to World Trade Center one and two and into the Pentagon while a fourth plane crashed in a field nearRead MoreThe Bombing Of The United States Essay843 Words  | 4 Pagescitizenship became questionable when terroristic acts were committed against America. Because the FBI and law enforcement agencies’ first and foremost agenda was to keep Americans safe, answers were needed immediately to determine if there were plans for bombing other U.S. cities, and they made the most logical decision within the context of the law to react quickly by delaying Tsarnaev’s Miranda Rights justifiably. In the first place, Tsarnaev’s citizenship became questionable when terroristic acts wereRead MoreThe Bombing Of The United States1688 Words  | 7 Pageshouse, full of men, women, and children, would be acceptable. The officials commanding the operation lacked a display of consideration for human lives, and also respect for the neighboring people and properties surrounding the MOVE compound. The MOVE bombing also epitomizes larger issues of both racial and class prejudices that are prevalent in American society even today. The organization MOVE is a radical, revolutionary group based in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. MOVE members live their lives basedRead MoreThe Bombing Of The United States1168 Words  | 5 Pageson the United States. Terrorism has taken so many innocent lives. Its an issue we deal with on a daily basis. Because of this, President George Bush took extreme measures and was very successful on the global war on terror. He made multiple changes to laws and regulations to help keep American citizens safe. Despite the extreme measures former president George Bush took, the war on terror is not a winnable war.We can take pro cautions to terrorist attacks to a minimum in the United States but thisRead MoreThe Bombing Of The United States2301 Words  | 10 Pagesplanned to hijack four airliners and threatened them with suicide attempts against the United States. When the first plane hit the twin towers, there was immediately live TV broadcasting. 18 minutes later, as many people from the first tower were calling for help, another plane was crashed into the second tower. This was when everyone immediately knew that America was under attack. In October of 2001, the United States immediately began to investigate the causes of this terrorist attack. Everyone wantedRead MoreThe Bombing Of The United States Essay1783 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Whenever Al-Qaeda is mentioned in the United States, terrorist attacks flush in people`s mind. The organized crime group poses a threat to this country. The history of this threat dates back to the year 1998 when Al- Qaeda pioneered the bombing of the US embassy in Nairobi (Kenya) and Dar es Salam (Tanzania). As if not enough, the group proceeded further to plan the September 11th attacks were four United States commercial airlines were hijacked and crashed in different areas withinRead MoreThe Bombing Of The United States1463 Words  | 6 PagesSeptember 11th, 2001, the United States of America was attacked on its soil when alleged Al-Qaeda members hijacked four passenger planes, Boeing 757s. Two planes flew into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, one plane flew into the Pentagon, and the remaining plane was possibly targeting the White House or the Capitol but was unsuccessful. People all over America felt an utter shock and disbelief after this tr agic event as people demanded answers. After the terroristRead MoreThe Bombing Of The United States850 Words  | 4 Pagesother government agencies have gotten together, evaluated all known and possible vulnerabilities in all areas of the U.S. security systems in ports, on land and in the air to eliminate them. So far the U.S. has been very resilient, with the focus on a united front, a collaboration of efforts to restore and maintain peace worldwide. We suffered a terrible loss from the attacks of 9/11 and people have seen the effects of division and carelessness, making them more willing to work with the DHS, TSA, CustomsRead MoreThe Bombing Of The United States1597 Words  | 7 Pagesaffiliated with Al Qaeda had the ability and means to carry out an attack on the U.S. and Western places and persons located in Libya. Recommendation-The intelligence community and State Department must communicate better, especially in high threat areas. Finding #2 Through numerous intelligence reports the State Department should have implemented a higher security posture in Benghazi based on the situation on the ground. Prior to this, two other attacks occurred at a Temporary Mission FacilityRead MoreThe Bombing Of The United States Essay972 Words  | 4 Pages On September 11th, 2012 a United States outpost in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked. Leaving four Americans killed, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs. Stevens is the first U.S. ambassador killed in an attack since Adolph Dubs was killed in 1979. Questions have continued to arise over the role of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the attack  or rather lack of role to do anything to help
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
An Increase Of Teenage Female Offender s Joining The...
Over the past decade there has been an increase of teenage female offender’s joining the juvenile justice system. The number continues to the rise throughout both violent and non-violent offenses. This is a huge change from the population only a decade ago, the change in gender roles through society is partly the reason for this change however, there are several other reasons that contribute the growing population. In female juvenile offenders there tends to be high occurrence of emotional and mental illness that relate to aggressive and antisocial behavior. There is also a theme of poverty, single parent’s or abuse in early childhood of offenders. The combination of these issue contribute to problem behavior syndrome, making these girls more susceptible to a risky lifestyle. Additionally the risk of criminal involvement increase the earlier a girl start’s to display antisocial or deviant behavior. In the life course theory there transitions that occur in a pers on’s life as a part of growing up and developing like many other social theories on crime, it is the family relationship’s that guide these transitions to take place accordingly. If these transitions are not properly guided or become disrupted it can lead to criminal behavior in the child. Likewise, children in poverty or who have altered family dynamics are more likely to experience these disruption’s to their transitions. The time of transitions is very important to development the previous transition provide aShow MoreRelatedWhat Are the Major Issues That Cause Inner City Youth to Join Gangs and Become Delinquent? Discuss Whether the New Labour Government’s Policies Have Been Effective in Solving These Issues?8138 Words  | 33 Pagesrelation to youth delinquency. It will also prevent the media and political commentators from exaggerating the problem by the use of stereo types. In the ‘Delinquent youth groups and offending behaviour: findings from the 2004 Offending, Crime and Justice Survey’, Home Office online report the following definition of ‘delinquent youth group’ (DYG) is used: â€Å"†¢ Young people who spend time in groups of three or more (including themselves). †¢ The group spend a lot of time in public places. †¢ The groupRead MoreChildren in Conflict to the Law12401 Words  | 50 Pagesand to person having custody of the child. There are three types of delinquency: the first type is environment delinquent, they are usually occasional law breakers. The second type is emotionally maladjusted delinquents they are the type of offender that they could not avoid or escape from and the third type is the psychiatric delinquent related to serious emotional disturbances in the family or associated to mentally ill tendencies. Cited in Franciso Zulueta, Dolores Liwag â€Å"Social problemsRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesbuilt-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Kim S. Cameron UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore
Teaching theories and assessment Free Essays
First I am to give an overview of the cardinal theories of instruction and appraisal that I use mundane within my work as a coach. My learning involves a broad scope of scholars from E2e pupils ( 16-19 ) and grownups ( 19+ ) , so I use a big assortment of different ( sometimes contradictory ) methods. Pavlov- Pavlov identified two types of learned response to a topic. We will write a custom essay sample on Teaching theories and assessment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Reflex response- a response to a topic or state of affairs that is unconscious ( nonvoluntary ) Conditioned response- a response that is learnt or taught ( voluntary ) Through this theory I foremost use learning stuff to get down to condition a response and the ideal end is that these conditioned response bend to reflex responses after an initial â€Å" subsiding in †period. Maslow- Hierarchy of Needs- This is about common sense. Learners can non larn if they are uncomfortable, stressed or distracted. I believe people learn more expeditiously if they find the solutions to their ain jobs. As we all do in life. Skinner- â€Å" Operant conditioning †– This applies to both sets of scholars. It is my experience that larning takes topographic point more efficaciously if it is delivered as a series of little stairss that combine into a entire end or decision. But before learning can take topographic point the pupils need to be motivated to larn. In the instance of the E2e pupils Taylor ‘s theory of â€Å" economic adult male and McGregor ‘s â€Å" Theory X †comes into drama. The motivation theories for these pupils are fiscal and are rewarded for go toing learning Sessionss even if they do non desire to. On the other side of the graduated table, many of my grownup pupils are of a more mature age and are financially comfy and have no demand for a fiscal wages. Their wages can be found in other theories: Mayo- Social man- Many of my grownup scholars are on the classs non merely to larn, but to run into new people and bask the societal facets of acquisition. Once the scholar is in category it is indispensable that they are motivated to transport on acquisition. Hertzberg ‘s theory is so really applicable. The pupil must experience that they are being praised and that they feel good about their acquisition and all unfavorable judgment that is given must be really carefully worded and must ever be constructive. This so brings us to the importance of appraisal. There are many practical theories that are applicable to my mundane instruction. It is of import that I non merely measure my pupils ‘ work, but my ain instruction. First formative appraisal is used with pupils as an on-going procedure. It is indispensable that pupils work are continually assessed to non merely give pupils motivational feedback, but it is a step of comprehension and how much the pupil has understood and is besides a contemplation on your learning practise. This method is normally provided informally on a one to one footing, giving the pupil the chance to add his ain sentiments on his or her acquisition advancement which in bend starts the procedure of ego appraisal. Self-assessment is normally introduced when the pupil is constructing in assurance in a topic. Now that the pupil has a greater apprehension they are able to measure their ain work and able to reflect on their ain accomplishments or weaknesss now that their cognition of the topic becomes more advanced. One of the most successful appraisal methods seems to be a multiple of both ego and diagnostic appraisal. This where the pupil is set a short trial on a comparatively regular footing so the pupil is confident in the given undertaking and after finishing the trial the pupil measure his or her ain trial either separately or in a group. That manner the pupil is able to compliment themself or the others around him or the group is able to supply constructive feedback together. It is a great morale encouragement when the pupil has done good and is a great signifier of support when the pupil needs excess aid. The summational appraisal method tends to be used more for the E2e pupils that are accomplishing nationally recognised makings and normally take the signifier of coursework that is produced throughout the class and given a concluding grade. As I said at the beginning I have found that some of the theories that First the most complicated group to learn is the E2e group. As I said earlier they are ab initio influenced through Learner Profile Angstrom: Wayne has late left school without any concrete makings. He has joined CG Partnership because of the fiscal wages he will acquire go toing the group and believes it will be easier than working for a life. He is being pressured to travel to college by other staff members, but does n’t truly hold any involvement in this way and is merely interested in socializing with his friends and spends most of his trim clip either imbibing or taking drugs. He struggles to gel with the remainder of the category and â€Å" ca n’t see the point †in a batch of the category activities. His is a victim of low self-esteem and frequently adheres to peer force per unit area to â€Å" play the category sap †for attending. Due to his hapless school attending his degree of basic accomplishments is really low and battles with any written undertaking and fails to hold on the simplest numerical constructs. He tends to arise against any signifier of authorization and â€Å" will non be told what to make †. His lone involvements tend to be music, skateboarding and surfing the Internet. Learner Profile B: Bob is 68 old ages old and has been out of instruction for many decennaries. He has a grade in technology. This is his first experience of instruction since go forthing school and attends the Sessionss along with his wife.. He lives locally and owns his ain place. He has been retired for 2 old ages and is financially stable. He now has plentifulness of clip on his custodies and is eager to larn new accomplishments and enthusiastic to maintain up to day of the month with modern engineering. He wants to utilize his new found accomplishments in mundane life and believes his new found accomplishments will let him to bask farther facets of acquisition. He sometimes becomes baffled when faced with engineering or rules he is non familiar with and sometimes struggles with different attacks to learning as he is used to traditional instruction methods. Stating this, he perseveres and is speedy to accept new rules that are presented. He is sometimes outspoken in category, but this because he en joys the societal facet of the class and clearly revels in the company of others and enjoys being portion of that group. How to cite Teaching theories and assessment, Essay examples
Narcissism in English Assignment
Question: Discuss about the Narcissism in English Assignment. Answer: Introduction: The thesis or main idea of the article is that narcissism is at an all-time rising. Different studies show that narcissism has increased since the 1980s. Not just obesity our ego has also become a threat. And social media is feeding this tendency (Brooks, 2016). Critical analysis Narcissism was a topic restricted to the profession of Mental Health even a few decades back. But according to psychology professors Jean M.Twenge and W. Keith Campbell, narcissism has been rising along with obesity since the 1980s. They have also mentioned it in their book Narcissism Epidemic. Narcissists are known to possess an attention-seeking behavior and have an inflated ego (Brooks, 2016). In most of the American schools, it is seen that the children in middle school tend to have a high score in the self-esteem test. It has increased since the 1980's. The researchers found an increase in materialistic behavior which increased in kids from 1970s to 1990s but decreased a bit from 1990-2000. Self-obsession among the teens is a cause of concern among the parents nowadays. And not only that, add to that the obsession with Facebook, Twitter and other social media into the mix and the crisis gets much bigger. People post everything on Facebook these days, from pictures of food on Instagram to status updates on Facebook (Brooks, 2016). To shed off tendencies of narcissism, we must get rid of ideas that might feed our unhealthy self-obsession. We need to be a good judge of character for ourselves and not pay heed to the words of the flatterers and critics. We have to understand that self-confidence is not the same as narcissism. We should not spend our lives trying to impress o thers, especially on social media. Rather we can spend time with people and treat them with kindness and try to learn from everyone. Social media should be used for communicating and learning, that is what it was created for. This way we can be our true selves (Brooks, 2016). References Brooks, A. (2016).Narcissism Is Increasing, So You're Not Very Retrieved 12 December 2016, from Brooks, A. (2016). Narcissism is Increasing. So Youre Not so Special.The Daily Review Plus. Retrieved from Brooks, A. (2016). Narcissism Is Increasing. So Youre Not So Special.The Opinion Pages. Retrieved from
Friday, May 1, 2020
Strategic Report on Innovation and New Product Development Process
Question: Discuss about the Strategic Report on Innovation and New Product Development Process. Answer: Introduction The competitiveness of an international company is dependent mostly on the steps that it undertakes before introducing new products in the market in addition to its innovativeness. According to Hyrup et al (2012), Innovation is the process of inventing an idea which is put into practice by creating a service or goods that customers will pay. Innovation involves the use of imagination or information in generating useful products or services (Johnston and Bate 2013).The buyers purchasing power is increased and more profits are realized by a business that embraces innovation in their products or services. The process of introducing a new product in the market is called New Product Development (Cui, Chan, and Calantone 2014). Objectives Discussion on how the growth of Heinz company have been facilitated through innovation Explanation on the process that Heinz Company takes in New Product Development. Discussion Innovativeness The Heinz Company has been very innovative to capture its market internationally. The innovation has been enabled by incorporating the following into its production. Innovative Packaging Packaging provides strong brand personalities, makes the products stand out and communicates the benefits of the products .The packaging helps to differentiate the products between competitors and hence enhance brand identity (Rundh 2013).The packaging techniques for the products of the Heinz Company have been unique compared to the competitors. The products that Heinz produces have a unique logo that is very attractive for the customers and is the main reason why the customers purchase the products in bulkiness. The growth of this company has therefore been linked to innovative packaging. Brand Name The brand name of the products should be able to reinforce the product promise. The customer brand loyalty is mostly determined by the brand name of the products. According to Kapferer (2012), the brand name affects the customers perception of the products and act as an intervening variable for the customers to purchase a certain product. The brand name change the psychological perception of the products by the customers which makes them regard the product as of high quality and in turn make the customers prefer the products from other products that act as a substitute (Brodie et al 2013).The Heinz Company has been taking a lot of time before establishing the brand name for its products. Different brand names are developed and the customers choose the best brand name for a new product before being introduced in the market. The brand name for products has therefore been the main contributor to the growth of Heinz Company. After-sales Service Customers repeat their purchasing if their initial buying experience was not faulty. After sale service is vital for the company as it boosts a competitive edge against other market players. The majority of the customers want high-quality post sales services for them to buy goods in bulkiness or spending more money on services or goods. The after sale services include reverse logistics, instant customer care, transport of goods to the buyer premise and return product management (Velamuri, Bansemir, Neyer and Mslein 2013). The Heinz company has launched the after sale services department to deals with the customer after the goods are sold. After the establishment of this department, the company has immensely increased the sale volume for the produced products resulting to growth. Product Pricing Innovative marketing strategies involve psychological pricing of products. According to Hinterhuber and Liozu (2014) certain prices for the products impose a psychological impact on the customers which convince them to buy the product. Odd pricing forms an example of psychological pricing where the price of the products is expressed to almost a round number for example prices like $29.99 and $3.97. The customer perceives products with odd prices to be cheaper than they actually are, hence tend to buy more products. The customers perceive the price $ 29.99 as being $20 rather than 30$. The demand for the products with odd pricing is thus increased compared to those with even pricing. The marking of goods at the lowest possible price is important as the decision making of the customers on the price of the product is changed and hence buys the product. The use of introductory prices for new products in the market is also a form of innovation. The introductory prices are low prices that a new product is sold to customers and after the customers are used to buying the product the prices are slightly raised to avoid a loss to the company. The Heinz Company has introductory prices for new products in addition to integrating odd pricing for its products to induce the customers to buy the products. The psychological pricing has been one of the contributors to the growth of the company internationally. Blending Blending involves mixing one substance with another so that it can form one mass. Blending is one of the methods that a business can include in its innovative ideas. The blending of products improves their quality, smell, and color (Cagan and Vogel 2012). The Heinz Company has been at the forefront in blending its products to ensure that the product provides the required value for the customers. The ingredients used by the company are ensured that are safe for human consumption. Almost every product for this company has a unique ingredient which improves the taste, smell, nutritive value and the appearance of the product to the customers. The customers buy the products for Heinz Company due to innovativeness in blending the products beyond their expectation and this has been the main reason for the growth of this organization internationally. The Innovation of New Products. The invention of a new product is part of innovation for a business or organization. Li et al (2013), assert that the organization that introduces new products in the market has a competitive advantage and hence expands and grows faster compared to other industries. The new products should be unique from other products produced by the company. The Heinz Company has been producing new products which have been enhanced by the establishment of innovative centres like European innovative centre. The function of the innovative centre is to come up with new products which are healthy for human by embracing nutritional science in the invention of the products. The centres have workers who include researchers, food scientist, quality engineers, and nutritionist. New products introduction in the market has been the main contributor to the growth of the company.2.2 The Main Components of New Product Development Process for Heinz Company Idea Generation Basic research is the main component for generating ideas on new product development. The insight for a new idea can emanate from trade shows, consumers and market trends, employees, competitors, sales persons, ethnographic discovery methods and corporate spies. The ideas can also be generated by conducting the SWOT analysis for the organization. The idea generation for new products is vital for the growth of the organization as new products are able to capture the changing customers needs and preferences (Olver and Hess 2011). The idea generation process should, therefore, be incorporated as part of the growth strategy for Heinz Company. Idea Screening The ideas generated by new product development should be screened before being implemented. Chan et al (2011) argues that it is not all ideas that are generated for initiating a new product should be continued, some of the ideas are dropped based on certain set criteria. The best idea would be the one that increases the market share and at the same time, the customers benefit from the product. The factors that would be considered in screening for the idea include the anticipated competitive pressure that the idea for the product would have, technical feasibility in manufacturing the product and the profitability for the new product to the organization. The Heinz Company also look into the ideas generated and decide on the best idea that should be implemented. Testing the Concept The process involves the investigation of the intellectual property rights for the product, the target market and the benefits the product will have to the organization and the customers. The product should be analyzed for its cost effectiveness, the total cost of production and the reaction that the customers will have on the product (Olver and Hess 2011). Business Analysis The stage involves approximation of the selling price of the expected product. The company should evaluate other companies that produce similar products and the customers feedback about the product in order to determine the likely selling price. The estimated selling price can be used to approximate the likely profits that can be reaped from the sales of the product. The size of the market for the anticipated product can also be estimated to determine the sales volume for the product (Annacchino 2007). Business analysis is vital during new product development process in order to determine if the product will suit the organization Marketability Test The product should be tested in the market before it is authorized for production. The marketability testing involves producing physical prototype and the product is then packaged to determine customers reaction (Tahera, Eckert and Earl 2015). Trade shows and customers interviews on the product are conducted. The product is distributed to the marketplace and sold for the first time and determine whether the customers purchase and accept it in the market. Adjustments are made based on the customer comments regarding the product. Technical Implementation The stage involves several departments of the company including finance, marketing, and production department. Fuller (2016)claims that the production department will formulate its plan on how it will produce the product, the finance department will be responsible for providing the funds required to introduce the new product in the market while the marketing department will establish the policies on how the product will reach the target population. There should be appropriate planning for the engineer operations and appropriate supplier collaboration before the product is produced. The resources should be estimated which are needed for manufacturing based on the requirements for production. Commercialization Commercialization is at times considered as post new product Development. The new product is launched officially and is distributed to the market for purchase by the customers. The distribution channels are loaded with products. The product is advertised in different advertisement media so that it can be known by the consumers (Kahn et al 2012). The technical support has the mandate of monitoring the progress of the new product in the market. Perfect Pricing The new product is introduced in the market at a low price called the introductory price. The organization has the mandate of ensuring the price of the product is changed after a grip of the market is established. The factors to be considered in determining the price of the products in the market should be based on the overall cost of production of the product and the competition from other companies producing similar products (Corrocher and Guerzoni 2015). The internal cost should not exceed the profit for the newly introduced product. Perfecting pricing is important in ensuring that the company does not undergo a loss and at the same time ensuring that the prices are not so high that the purchasing power of the buyers is considerably reduced. Conclusion The growth of any manufacturing company is usually realized when the company embraces the best processes in the introduction of new products and innovation while dealing with its products. The innovation process is not just coming up with an idea but how that idea can be implemented in producing useful services and products that customers can purchase. The innovation involves not only coming up with new unique products but also changing the existing products to the customer preference so that they can increase their purchasing power. The innovation for the existing products that enhances the growth of the company includes innovative packaging, introductory and odd pricing, blending techniques, after sale services and brand name. Recommendation The strategic growth is realized after c company engages in effective new product development process. The new product development process should be integrated into the strategic growth report as weak new product development process can result in a considerable loss to the company while effective new product development process acts as a boost to the growth of the company. The Heinz Company should include the New product Development process in its strategic growth report when it discusses on how the innovative centres whose purpose is New product Development have resulted to the growth of the company. References Annacchino, M, 2007.The pursuit of new product development. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann. Brodie et al, 2013. Consumer engagement in a virtual brand community: An exploratory analysis.Journal of Business Research, vol. 66, no. (1), pp.105-114. Cagan, J and Vogel, CM, 2012.Creating breakthrough products: revealing the secrets that drive global innovation. FT Press Corrocher, N and Guerzoni,M, 2015. 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