Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay Human Nature and Proper Order - 1725 Words
Proper Order in Confucianism and as taught primarily by Mencius, the Chinese philosopher, is the conceptual theory that instructs how people can reach their highest potential of moral and material well being embodied in Mencius conception of human nature. The theory of proper order is the primary and philosophical means to that end. Although proper order may seem in many ways philosophically abstract, Mencius teachings of proper order in history have had lasting and tangible effects on modern East Asian politics and its relationship between the state and society, and even on a narrower level of the individual and community. In fact, the theory of proper order starts first at the individual level and from there flourishes to create a†¦show more content†¦The conception of human nature is one of the most fundamental concepts that has come to characterize much of East Asian thought and behavior and which its effects can still be found today. The Chinese philosopher who can be c redited with establishing the definition of human nature which East Asia recognizes with today is Mencius. Mencius lived during a period of seemingly perpetual warfare and great upheaval within China called the Warring States Period (Lecture). During this violet period in Chinas history a change was taking place in the development of warfare, which was becoming increasingly brutal and prevalent throughout the region, taking a terrible toll on lives lost. During these uncertain times Mencius travelled from one feudal state to another, speaking to the rulers about government, deploring the effects of warfare on the people, and pleading the case for the practicality of humaneness (De Bary 114). Mencius helped change the perspective of leaders which precipitated changes in values in the time of Confucius in the subsequent Warring States period (De Barry 114). Because of this effort, Mencius is regarded as one of the greatest founding thinkers on Confucius thought, and his commitment and belief in the value of the common citizen is a significant influence that helped steer China to a more peaceful state of affairs. In interpreting what the value of the common citizen is to the governingShow MoreRelatedDefinition Of Proper Order Of The East Asia Essay1488 Words  | 6 PagesMin Ji Park POLI 113A Midterm Prompt #1 Proper Order The Proper Order is a set of orders that are assumed to be the necessary qualifications for a society to be considered â€Å"proper†. This set of ideals is used to judge whether the political state of a given time of a state is failing or not. 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